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A Slow And Prolonged Healing Process

  • October 5, 2023
  • realestatelife
  • Podcast

YREL 433 | Real Estate Success

Want to save money? While some people look into refinancing or making adjustments with their purchases, what you’re doing with that money and those obligations once you have them also matters. Today, Michael A. Harris talks about a financial GPS that can navigate you efficiently into a profitable real estate future. It may be a slow healing process, but it will get you there in the safest way possible.

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A Slow And Prolonged Healing Process

Welcome to our program. We’re talking to people throughout the United States. We’re talking to individuals who need to save money. It’s not only refinancing and it’s not only looking at your purchase, but it’s what you’re doing with that money and those obligations once you have them. Is it doing the bank’s plan and making your monthly payment until it’s over, whether it’s in 30 years, 20 years, 15 years, or 10 years? Maybe it’s that personal loan you have for 5 or 7 or a car loan that could be 72 to 74 months even. When you walk into that car dealership, they don’t talk about rates, “What kind of payment do you want?” All of a sudden, you get that payment because it stretches the loan out accordingly.

We want to make sure your effective rate can be better because of the interest volume you’re paying. We want to talk about turning up your frequency by turning down your interest volume. I talk about interest volume on an amortized loan. It’s much different when you compare a simple interest and an amortized loan. They work differently. If I told you that you had a mortgage interest-only, I’m giving you a rate. I’m throwing any number out. I’m not looking for comparisons and all that.

I’m throwing a number for an example. You have an 8% simple-interest loan for the first ten years. It will amortize and pay off because they want to get paid. For eight years, you’re paying 8%. Anything additional is a principal reduction. If I gave you a loan at 6.5%, now you’re paying some principle, but on that amount, you’re amortizing the debt, and it’s being front-loaded. You’re paying closer to an interest volume of 83% because you’re going to pay a lot more to the principal later. You’re loading all that interest instead of a simple interest across the board of 8%. An 8% payment is very easy. You’re loading an interest earlier at closer to an 80% clip. What’s better, 8% or 80%?

The Perfect Financial GPS

Some of the interest-only loans, if used properly, can do well, and that could be an advantage. That’s why we talk also about Home Equity Lines of Credit or HELOCs. We talk about the utilization of that simple interest of using it every few months and then getting it paid off, rinse and repeat, but doing it in an effective way with the right numbers at the right time for the right amount to gain further movement on your amortized loan. There are many different strategies that could be looked at. I’m talking about a perfect financial GPS that can navigate you in that direction in the most efficient manner possible.

You drive and rely on technology. You went from the roadmaps. You went to MapQuest. MapQuest was great. It told you the roads and the direction, but it didn’t tell you the bridge was out, or it didn’t tell you there was traffic. It was a finite instruction to get from A to B or maybe a stop in between. That’s great, but as it progressed, you then had Garmin. You had various other devices. Some of you use Waze, and some of you use others. You have all these advancements having participation, traffic, and timing. It even tells you where the highway patrol is. It’s showing you what’s going on through satellite navigation to get you to your destination in the safest way possible.

I am wanting to do that with your finances, getting you from point A to point B and various items that may be in between but getting you to your destination in the quickest, most effective, and safest way possible. That’s eliminating interest and getting you debt-free. Some of you are saying, “I don’t want to be debt-free. I want to leverage my money and get more wealth.” You can do that, and this would also help you to achieve that. We have individuals buying more doors and real estate, gaining additional, planning two years down, or whatever that case may be.

YREL 433 | Real Estate Success
Real Estate Success: We want you to get to your financial destination in the quickest, most effective, and safest way possible.

We can show you future predictive capabilities. We can do that with automobiles and any of the other items you look to do. We have individuals who use this with business as well as personal. We can show you how this can be done whether you own property or not. We have individuals who own no real estate, and they’re paying off their debt within three years. I have an individual who I signed. At 3.4 years, she’s down to low 2, and she’s so excited. She sees now a couple of these things getting taken care of. There are so many ways to do this. You can choose the cheapest, you could choose the most expensive, or you could do it in the best way possible. Let’s get your momentum started.

Helping People Save Money

We’re helping people save money, whether you’re purchasing, refinancing, or going forward or in reverse, or whether you’re looking for ITIN financing or you’re looking for what is called DSCR financing, which is Debt-Service Coverage Ratio lending when it comes to investors. We’re doing that now in over 30 states and helping people gain more income through the front door through rental property and gaining appreciation in some markets. We’re not seeing a drastic change in the value of properties going down in some regions. It’s still going up. We’re seeing that demand is high but availability is low.

We have volume issues. We have less people listing, and now we’re heading into the fourth quarter. It’s going to get a little bit more difficult. The people who are there are serious about what they’re doing. They’re selling for a reason. That is what I’m talking about here, making these decisions with the right information for the right timing for you, but it’s also if you’re doing nothing, “Why am I listening to this program? I’m not looking to list my property. I don’t want to buy anything. I’m not refinancing. I’m fine.”

Let’s talk about what you have. Let’s talk about your mortgage. Let’s talk about your car payment if you have one. Let’s talk about the home equity line and what you’re not using that home equity line for to help improve your current position. I want to talk to you about using these tools and items to achieve an earlier date of your interest-free or debt-free date. It does happen.

Becoming Debt-Free

Most people say, “I’ll never be debt-free.” You can be. I had a gentleman. I still laugh. I scratch my head because I don’t understand. The gentleman was 62 years of age. He would be debt-free at 70. In the current plan he was on, he was going to be debt-free at age 90. That’s now keeping income and everything afloat and moving forward. I was saving him twenty years over $400,000.

The response initially was, “I’m not sure I’m going to live to 70.” Under that notion, he’s not living to 90, but I didn’t want to help push him into that 70 idea because of the stress that he’s under. The stress that he’s under is not helping that end date. I want to help alleviate that stress by having something smarter than both him and me put together and giving him information so he can be more comfortable that much sooner. It’s about him leaving a legacy for his family and those he cares about and not leaving the debt or burden to them but building a legacy going forward.

Marisha Charbonnet on our program talks about it all the time. It’s building that legacy or that item, setting your life estate up correctly, and doing these things that you should be thinking about rather than, “How do I survive?” Let’s move it a little bit further down the path. Let’s get you comfortable with what’s going on and do it the best way possible. I would like you to plan if possible on a Tuesday evening from the comfort of wherever you want to be. I would love to have you log in on a screen. You don’t have to speak. You don’t have to be seen, but I would like to get you information so you can watch a one-hour webinar that will change your life and give you valuable information.

Some may say, “I can do some of that.” Some of it is not all of it, and it’s not hitting the bullseye. I want to show you how to hit the bullseye with your finances and reduce your debt-free date tremendously. Write down the address to allow yourself to get the information. If you can’t attend at 6:00 PM on Tuesday, that’s okay. Write down the email address, and let’s set up a time on your calendar and mine when we can do a one-on-one engagement. There’s no obligation, just information.

Usually, I would like to give you a slight homework assignment by gathering your numbers so we can see on that first meeting if there’s a reason for a second meeting. We will talk and get more familiar. I’ll send you a few items to watch prior to it but let’s start that process and see what we can do to make your life a little bit easier. It’s Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. By sending that email, I would like to send you a few links to watch to get more familiar. If you can attend on Tuesday night at 6:00 PM, I’ll give you the link for that. If you tell me in the email, “I cannot attend on Tuesday night. It’s not convenient,” throw me an option but I can give you my Calendly. We can schedule a time.

I would like to see a one-hour appointment. That’s easier. I would like to have you on camera. I would like to have a Zoom. If I’m talking to you on the phone, we’re doing what I’m doing now. I like to have that information so we can go forward, gain your stuff for meeting number two, get your debt-free date, and show you if the opportunity is right for you.

Philosophically, it’s probably going to work but you need to also participate. If you don’t participate, it doesn’t work. If you give me half the information, I’m going to give you a halfway result. I want good information so we can get a good result. That’s how I work. I spend your money the way I spend mine, sparingly. I want value for my money, and so should you. I want that interest to go away. I want to pay the least amount of interest as possible. If you want to pay the most interest as possible, I’ll raise your rates, and we will all be very happy. That’s not what I’m looking to do. This is me trying to assist and give you information so you can move forward and save.

I’m sure you know many people who are going through a tough time with debt. Many people are going to have that interest that started to accrue already and payments being due on student loans, not knowing what to do next. I’m trying to provide a roadmap but I’m trying to provide a perfect financial GPS to destination zero. Zero is your friend. I want to get that to occur for you. (888) 543-3980. The website for our radio program is YourRealEstateLife.com. For our mortgage entity, United Mortgage Corporation of America, it’s United4Loans.com.

“Many people are going through a tough time with debt. Many people are going to have that interest that started to accrue already and payments being due on student loans, not knowing what to do next. We’re trying to provide a roadmap.” 

We are writing commercial, construction, residential-forward, and reverse mortgages. For reverse mortgages, you have to have tremendous equity with interest rates where they’re at, looking at the actuarial tables and various items in the computation. You need to have good equity and also good age. You could be 55 years of age but you have to have huge amounts of equity to qualify now for reverse or even some of the hybrid reverses that are in between.

Equity Is The Key

I can run your numbers and find out what we can do. We are closing reverse mortgages for others and individuals but equity is the key. It could be up to 30% to 40% of obligation but to move forward, it depends on age, property address, and date of birth for both individuals or any individuals on the application. I would look to go ahead and run those numbers.

We can do a lot of pre-work and get some good information so we can make certain decisions but we were also talking to a lot of individuals now about a Home Equity Line of Credit. We have a process where we can close in five days from start to finish but it depends upon your equity position, how much you owe, and credit position, and then we can talk about that and move as quickly as you want to move.

Home Equity Lines of Credit come in very handy, eliminating amortized debt and interest. We could talk about that. Maybe it’s consolidating some of these more expensive 20% to 30% credit cards. Those are crazy. Some people say, “I have a 0% credit card.” Maybe you do but how much did you pay to get in? A lot of those were 5% upfront. Some of them are balance transfers of 0% on items you purchase but you need to be careful because if you go over your limit, you miss a payment, or you go past the term of that offer, all of a sudden, it’s going to shoot up. Some of them are retroactive.

They’re looking for you to mess up. Part of that mess-up is those of you who decide to pay it off a few months in saying, “I was good. I got the money, and I was able to pay it off sooner.” You paid all that money upfront for the opportunity. Based on the early time you did it, you paid a lot more interest because you paid all that upfront for the term that you signed up for.

We can go over that as well. I’m all about money, numbers, saving, and getting that back on your side of the ledger. I can do it pretty well but I’m not a perfect financial GPS. I was leaving years on the table personally. I was 20 going on 40. I’m 58. I’m not sure what I’m going on but I was doing all these items at an early age, saving a lot of money, and providing for my family. At age 29, I got married. I have two children, 22 and 24. Both of them have graduated from undergraduate college. One is now getting her Master’s. They’re going to be going through both and the one without any student loan debt.

We set up items properly. There are various options. Check with your financial planner about that, whether it’s certain education programs or items through Roth IRAs and other things. You can talk about that but they are going to be set where they’re able to move forward with their careers and not worrying about the past. That was one of my goals. I’ve had life, health, and disability policies. I am licensed for that. I’ve never written a policy but I am licensed, and I have the education for that.

I’ve made sure my retirement was set up properly. These items were provided for. I’ve navigated through. I’ve set up the future. I’ve had Marisha Charbonnet. She updated my plan years ago and reviewed those plans. I’ve referred her to many people that she’s helped move forward with their financial strategies as a way of planning. In doing that, as long as day-to-day is good, the future is set.

That’s what I want to have you accomplish. I want to get you out to the paycheck to paycheck and into planning, comfort, and less stress. It takes time to get into what you have. It takes a little time, hopefully less, to have the right direction but I need you to have an open mind. I need you to take a look at things, the way you have not looked at them before. Maybe you don’t know what you know. Once you learn, it’s putting those actions into effect and moving forward.

Get out of paycheck to paycheck and get into planning, comfort, and less stress. It takes a little time, hopefully less, to have the right direction, but you need to have an open mind. Click To Tweet

Make The Sale Work Better For You

I talked about it on the show before. Some of you are fighting the wind. You’re fighting. Let’s change the direction of the sale and make it work better for you. Let’s stop looking at what has been done and talk about what can be done. Let’s take a look at your current items. Let’s assess them. Let’s see where you are on your discretionary income. That’s the money left over at the end of every month if I asked you, “How much money, $50 or $100? What’s left over after everything is spent at the end of each month?”

If that number has a positive number, then I can take a look at some items to show you why it’s positive. Maybe you have a biweekly paycheck every other week. There are various ways where you have 26 checks versus 24. Whatever the case may be, we’re going to explore that opportunity because we’re going to look at every penny and how we can get that to work harder for you to get a better outcome.

I truly mean what I say. You have my attention. I’m never too busy to work or speak with you. My current clients text me or call me. I may be on the other line. I’m going to reply, respond, and say, “I’m on the other line. Are you available at?” I don’t ignore things. It’s never been my nature and never will be. I was doing that even before technology back in the pager days. That was fun though. We had to decide to get off the freeway or not get off the freeway and use the thing. God forbid they hung up on the pager. Now, things are a lot easier. I can reply a lot quicker but I want to make sure you get the right information at the right time, and you have my attention. I want you to get started at (888) 543-3980.

I was in Indianapolis at an event talking about these items. One of the segments that I did in front of an audience was we were talking to other professionals. Why should other professionals look to do this and help their clients? It’s the same way that I’m a mortgage professional. I’m a mortgage loan originator. I’m a broker. I own a mortgage banking company. I’ve been in the business for years, and I’m doing loans. I’m doing that loan, which is the amortization loan, which is causing more interest early but it’s a necessary item to obtain a property in most cases.

Why wouldn’t another mortgage loan originator in this current market environment where they’re not doing refinancing, and the purchase volume is down, reaching out to their past clients, and helping them achieve more success with their finances by eliminating interest and having an earlier payoff date and creating more equity want to find out more?

If you received a phone call from your previous lender, wouldn’t you want to understand a way that you can save more money without refinancing if refinancing was not in the cards? If you can eliminate other debt and put your family in a better position, you sure would, whether you are a mortgage loan originator, a realtor, an insurance professional, a financial planner, a CPA, a bookkeeper, or an enrolled agent. Maybe you’re a money coach. Maybe you work with cashflow management.

I call myself in this respect an interest cancellation specialist. We’re looking to cancel interest in the most effective manner to save you money. I did leave one out lately. We have been working well there. A divorce professional, an attorney, a mediator, or those of you who have gone through the unfortunate events of a divorce will understand and recognize that money has become a large topic. Who takes on what debt? You try to come up with an equal thought but I’m going to throw you a curve.

If one spouse values the debt at 25 years of interest in the debt, and the other one understands these principles and has had some tutelage, and they see that it all could be paid off under their new lifestyle and what numbers they have, it could be paid off in eight years, “I’ll take the debt.” They’re going, “Okay.” All of a sudden, they think you took 25 years of debt where in true spirit, you already have a computation that’s going to be gone in eight.

The Advantage Of Information

Who had the advantage? Information is the advantage, and there’s information out there that I can help you with. It’s very easy to understand. You don’t have to have a degree in finance. I can send that out to you. If you are a professional, and you’re on the side of dealing and working with individuals and giving advice in your selective field, whether it’s legal, finance, insurance, or real estate, and also other mortgage loan professionals or MLOs, I would like to show you how you can bring that to your clients.

YREL 433 | Real Estate Success
Real Estate Success: Information is the advantage, and there’s information out there that we can help you with. It’s very easy to understand, and you don’t have to have a degree in finance.

Your clients are your clients. They’re not going to be shared with other individuals and people. They’re your clients. I want to show you how you truly can market to your clients and give them a benefit that doesn’t cost you to do so, and you’re truly helping them. You’re not looking for something. You’re giving something back. Let’s find out more at (888) 543-3980.

I would like you to join us on a Tuesday night webinar. That webinar is if you’re doing it personally, and you’re working on your items. I can also talk to you about a Thursday night webinar if you’re looking at this as an opportunity. Maybe you need that gig job. You need another item, an extra $1,000, $2,000, $3,000, or $4,000 a month. With my tutelage and help, I want to work and speak with you at (888) 543-3980. We’re only halfway home. We have another half to go.

I’m excited to be here. We’re helping a lot of individuals. Pick up the phone. Give us a call at (888) 543-3980. I’m looking at some items on the table here as we head into October. We’re heading into the fourth quarter. It’s always a vital time in any ball game, whether it’s the fourth quarter, fourth to third period, or whatever it is. Are you armed and ready for a good finish? Are you looking at the right items? Have you done what you wanted to do? Is your income right? Have you done the right planning?

We have the ISM manufacturing index coming out for September. We have construction spending coming out as well for August. We have job openings. We’re seeing what’s going on there as far as how many are there for August. We have the ADP Employment number for September. We have factory orders for August and the ISM Services number for September. We have initial jobless claims and the US trade deficit. We have the big one. We have the US employment report, hourly wages, the unemployment rate, and hourly wage year-over-year. We also have consumer credit for the month of August.

A lot of information comes out, and what that means is it’s how the mortgage-backed securities react and trade. That’s how it affects mortgage rates. Mortgage rates will react accordingly. You do have a ten-year treasury that will move up, down, and around, and it’s more the visual item that people see. They go, “The treasuries are hurting.” Generally speaking, they move hand in hand but that’s not the true relationship. When the mortgage-backed securities move, whether they’re off twelve basis points, that’s an 8% fee, not a rate. If it’s up, then we gain a little back in fee. If it moves enough, 30 to 40, it starts moving enough in fee to then adjust a rate to keep the rate better and the price the same.

It takes a few little jumps to make the rate move effectively on the spectrum of choice. We watch that very carefully, and our goal is to save money. If you’re doing a $500,000 loan, an 8% fee is $600 in change, I would rather save the $600 in change. We do what we need to do. If I see based on economic reports and news, “It makes better sense to float the loan,” we do.

If rates aren’t moving that fast, I would rather not lock you longer to spend your more money now. If we cannot spend more money, we do that. It’s based on the timing of your transaction, your purchase, the escrow time period, and what we’re looking to do but based on size, it can make a difference. We evaluate that together. To start a loan process, we need to make sure we have the right information.

Are you salaried or self-employed? Do you have overtime? Do you have a bonus? Do you have a pension? Do you have Social Security? What is your income stream? Is it rental property? We want to make sure we are gathering the right information, whether it’s tax returns, bank statements, pay stubs, some cases, profit and loss statements, possible partnership returns, corporate returns, Social Security awards letters, and pension award letters. All these things matter.

Sometimes you’re self-employed, and maybe you don’t show a lot of income because you do legal write-offs and take your income down to a lower level but you have good cashflow. We go to a cashflow-type lender, and we’re looking at 3 months, 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months of bank statements. We’re looking to make the deal fly. You’re paying less in taxes but you’re paying a little bit more in interest rate. You’re paying a little bit more on a monthly basis but you’re paying a lot less in taxes annually. You might be coming out ahead.

Sometimes you’re not getting that, “I got the lowest rate.” You get the rate that you need to get based upon the way you show income, write off, and save money somewhere else but we try to have that happy medium and do the best on both sides. If I can get you qualified for the other loan, I do so but we have to make sure that the cashflow or the debt-to-income ratio makes sense.

That is what I do from my side but it starts with you gaining and getting the information I need. When I give you a checklist based on my understanding, and then those items pertain that I need a few more because I didn’t know and because it wasn’t discussed, then we need to get those. When I ask for 10 things, I need 10, not 6 or 8. The thing that happens now is people will go ahead and print out their bank statements rather than save them and send them to me on a computer. That’s fine but they fax me or send me pages 1, 3, 5, and 7. I need 2, 4, 6, and 8 as well even if it’s a computational sheet. If it says 7 of 8, I need 8.

These are things I need. That allows me to get the loan approved with no conditions, and we’re ready to close. In United Mortgage Corporation of America, we are a direct lender. We can close on our warehouse line. I can close that loan, maintain control, draw documents, and close under most circumstances. That allows us to get the close efficiently and move it forward. Even I can fund a loan on a purchase the same day you sign loan documents. We can get the job done.

Get The Communication Channels Open

Timing is not my problem. The timing works. It’s you responding. It’s the other affiliated people or individuals getting me the fees and the items from escrow, title, or the closing agent. It’s getting these items done. If we need an appraisal, it’s getting that done. If there’s work to be done on the property, it’s getting that satisfactorily handled and getting the communication channels open. Communication is important to any successful transaction. When I talk about the debt space and eliminating interest, accurate communication is important. How is someone representing you in the best way possible if they’re missing key information? It’s a problem waiting to happen.

Communication is important for any successful transaction. Click To Tweet

I make sure I’m about eight thoughts ahead. That has always been my life, eight thoughts ahead and eight sentences ahead. I already know where I’m going on this. That’s what you do but I need to keep my eyes on the road, looking up, looking down, and looking around on every single transaction because I have to anticipate that someone didn’t tell me everything. I have to anticipate that future problem so you don’t have a problem. The more we communicate and have that information shared, then we’re free to do other items because I’m there trying to save you money but if I’m looking for problems, that’s a problem. My office knows I look for problems so we don’t have them.

That’s what I do. The busier I am, the more I’m having fun. I’m having fun saving my clients and the transaction money. When all the problems are solved, and everyone is high-fiving, that’s when you make sure I’m okay. I’ve got nothing else to solve and nothing else to look for. You make sure I’m okay. Usually, I have another transaction I’m working on and taking up the same spot.

In all of the loans and items we work on, we’re either starting, getting disclosures out, or getting them submitted. We have approvals. They’re drawing docs or closing. We’re at different stages of the game throughout the process but your process is important to me. I’m never too busy to work or speak with you. I want to make sure you save the most money possible.

Many of my clients tell me, “This is great.” There’s a little bit more money we’re going to gain. Let’s do this. We have plenty of time. They’re happy but I want more. I want that money translated back to you and working with this perfect financial GPS. I’m so excited when I see 28 years go down to 6.2. Even 12.2 in that matter would be huge. The amount of money that I’ve seen that I can help people save interest has been astronomical. It’s not smoke and mirrors. It’s getting done.

I have now individuals getting started on the process. They’re like, “Can I tell more people?” Sure. What I would like to do then is get on a call, find out their information, and see what we can do to help them save. I’m not trying to entice somebody to start a new job. You’re busy doing what you do but if you want to refer people, it’s a non-licensed opportunity, and I would love to talk to you about that.

You can be as involved with it is as much as you want or not but you’re helping people, and it’s helping one household at a time. That’s what attracted me to it. I’ve been helping people save money on their interest, effectively handling their debts correctly but now, with lower interest rates that they did get and the need not to be able to get a new one or lower it further in that direction, I want take it to the next level. I want to help you eliminate debt sooner. I want you out of debt and debt-free with your debt-free date, predictive capabilities, and a perfect financial GPS at your disposal. We will move it along right here. We have another segment to go.

It has been an exciting program. We’re getting a lot of calls coming into (888) 543-3980. Those calls are inquiring about a couple of items. We have some individuals who are asking to get numbers run on reverse mortgage calculations and get their age, date of birth, and property address. We will want some values to find out how much they owe on the property. We will run some numbers for them and get that back to them.

We have some other individuals who have an ITIN or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. They have been stuck paying rent that’s going higher, and we’re getting them into pre-approval status so they can find property in their local market. We don’t list. We don’t sell. We refer. If they don’t have a real estate agent or realtor, we look to refer them to their market or region. They’re looking for property and getting qualified with as little as 11% down. Some have higher down payment from what I’m seeing.

We have that end of our spectrum. We have other individuals who are investors or soon-to-be investors and want to invest in real estate and buy property. They’re looking to get what is called a DSCR loan or a Debt-Service Coverage Ratio loan. Those loans utilize the rents of the property, offsetting, and showing how that could be used to bank the mortgage payment and get qualified. It’s the property qualifying but making sure they have enough backing on their end, they’re okay, and they have a decent credit score.

We have some traditional calls coming in regarding low down payment. For some veterans, it’s 0% down. At FHA, it’s 3.5% using some ZIP code-related items to get some grants and some other items at USDA and some agricultural areas down South. We’re getting some of those calls inland but we’re seeing also utilization of the current market and what is called a 1-0 buydown, whether it’s 1-0, 2-1, or 3-2-1. It’s buying down the first year, two, or three of a loan to allow the rate to be lower than the monthly cashflow. Maybe the money is coming from a seller. Maybe it’s gift funds. Maybe you’re buying that money upfront. The money is there but it’s not there on a cashflow basis until later.

We have some individuals who are in jobs that are paying a little less but they’re growing jobs where they’re going to be paying more very soon. That buydown could do well for them to get in but we are still looking at some interest rates that still have sixes as the front number. It depends on your closing costs and what you’re looking to do on a 30-year fixed. You can get a fifteen-year loan but you want to make sure you can afford that payment because it’s being amortized over a shorter period. Your payments are higher even with a lower rate.

We have been talking about a perfect financial GPS program where we’re able to utilize the principles of money. You could become the bank, and we’re showing you how you could retire interest sooner by retiring that interest volume, especially on an amortized loan. An amortized loan is more front-loaded on interest, and you’re paying on your 3% loan. You might be paying closer to 64% interest when you get started. Take a look at your statement. We can talk about that.

YREL 433 | Real Estate Success
Real Estate Success: Our financial GPS program will help you utilize the principles of money. You could become the bank, and we’re showing you how you could retire interest sooner by retiring that interest volume, especially on an amortized loan.

Join Our Informational Webinar

If you want me to take a look at it, there’s Statement@United4Loans.com. I can throw you back some results. What I’m asking people to do is to see what your schedule looks like on Tuesday night at 6:00 PM if you’re available, you’re at home, and you’re able to log into a computer. You don’t have to look all sharp. You cannot put your camera on. I’m fine with that. I want you to come to an informational webinar. It’s a webinar regarding a perfect financial GPS program where I can show you and give you great information on how your interest can be lowered and your debt-free date improved.

It’s a 6:00 PM webinar. If you can’t make 6:00, PM send me an email. We will set up a time that’s right for you. I spend a lot of my days meeting with clients, meeting with people, and educating information items, which is the first appointment. The second appointment is running your numbers. Let’s see if it’s right for you. It’s Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. That’s 6:00 PM on Tuesday but if you can’t make it, send an email and say, “I can’t make the webinar but I would love to set up an appointment.”

What I would like to do then is I’ll send you my Calendly. We will get a timeline but I’m also going to send you a few links that I would like you to watch. One will be a demonstration. I want you to see how this works and how easy it is. The results are going to be tremendous. I will send that out to you also if you would like to attend the webinar so you have a little head start.

I’ll send you the link to get in on that webinar at 6:00 PM on Tuesday and then have your name. I know you’re there, and I’ll be there as well. You will see my smiley face and my background there. We will have that conversation at that meeting, and you will be able to observe. It will be a one-hour consultation where you’re listening. We can set a time where you’re talking, and we will talk more about things. On Tuesday night at 6:00 PM, it’s Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com.

If you wanted to have a consultation regarding mortgage, pre-approval, or prequalification, we could do that as well. I can send out the same Calendly link to not confuse you with many more things. That’s more mortgage-related. It’s Michael@United4Loans.com. In any of those emails, we will figure it out. Let me know what it is you would like to do, whether it’s mortgage-related or eliminating interest. We can get you the information. See if your calendar allows you a Tuesday night to be opened up. You can watch it in the comfort of your home, and we can go from there.

We’re seeing a lot of results. I’ve been very busy helping people save money. It’s a good feeling when you see the results. I can’t believe it. They wonder why no one has told them about this sooner. If you’re in the business, you’re a mortgage professional, or you’re an MLO, you know what’s going on in our industry. You know it’s a little slower than it has been in recent years. You have past clients. You have people that you can help. If you’re not helping them, you’re not completing your service to them. You can show them how they can eliminate their interest much sooner.

It’s not a refinance. It’s not a conflict of interest showing them a better way to handle their finances and utilizing technology to do so. I would like to show you how that’s done. I’m not taking your clients. They’re your clients. You need to service your clients. You need to help them move forward. If you’re not getting a phone call from your mortgage loan originator or the loan that you did in recent years, even though it’s 2%, 3%, or 4%, there’s nothing they’re doing lending-wise but they should be doing something finance-wise. If they’re not, I would be happy to talk with you. You’re going to talk to them once you’re moving forward because now you’re in control of your finances.

It’s (888) 543-3980. If you’re a real estate agent realtor, and you’re not talking to your clients about trying to buy property but telling them, “The current market interest rate environment is at 7% but I can show you how you can own your property free and clear in as little as one-third or half the time without changing your lifestyle,” and you’re not sharing that information to them, do you think that would create another sale or escalate a sale faster for you? It probably would.

I would like to show you that as well. If you are a person who’s looking for property, and someone is not sharing this information with you, do you think it’s valuable that you should have it? I think so. If you have an insurance professional who’s trying to sell you an insurance policy, that’s great but it’s utilizing the insurance policy to also eliminate debt to create wealth.

Utilizing Your Money And Paying Off Debt

Whether it’s utilizing a whole life policy, an IUL, or whatever the method of that is, it can show you how you could become the bank. You have the ability to utilize your money and pay off debt while it’s still accumulating wealth. You have the ability to do both at the same time. It’s very rare that’s possible. I would like to have that opportunity to show those professionals how they can use this and lead with this. You’re helping your clients free up discretionary and create wealth utilizing the opportunities you have to succeed.

YREL 433 | Real Estate Success
Real Estate Success: You have the ability to utilize your money and pay off debt while it’s still accumulating wealth. You have the ability to do both at the same time. It’s very rare, but it’s possible.

If you’re a divorce attorney, and you’re valuing a conversation as a mediator, you can show how one set of debt is cheaper than what other thinks it is. If one thinks it’s paid off in eight years, and they know the principles and see it, and the other one thinks it’s a 30-year opportunity or 20-year debt, they’re gladly able to give that. Maybe they got the better side of the equation. I would like to show that as well.

We’re meeting with mortgage loan originators, real estate agents, realtors, and insurance and financial professionals. We’re working with money coaches. People are able to show people how money works, and this is an additional tool that they have to do that. We’re dealing with individuals who are in the credit space helping people with their credit and then giving them a plan that they can follow going forward.

Educating One Household At A Time

There are so many dynamic ways to use and understand this to the consumer or the business to reach more consumers. My goal is to educate one household at a time. Whether it’s business or personal, I’ll work on both sides. I have no problem doing that, and I want to make sure you are comfortable and successful with your business endeavors whether it’s your personal or your household.

It’s not about guessing. It’s not about being spun around, throwing a dart, and hopefully hitting the target. It’s about hitting the bullseye. It’s understanding you have the best GPS program and plan as you utilize it to get to your destination when you’re traveling. Imagine if you were going from California to New York but you stopped in Hawaii. Maybe you want to do that. You’re trying to get to your destination as quickly as possible. You want to go from Los Angeles’ LAX out to New York. You have to go the other way to go the other way. When you take off, you go a little over the water to turn around but you go to the best destination possible without the stops and the items. You want to get there the quickest time possible but you also want to do it with the best cost possible. I would like to deliver to you all of those.

If life changes and things happen, it’s going to give you that quick response and the best destination possible. It’s going to say, “Recalculate.” It’s not going to say that but it’s going to do that. It will be instantaneous. If you get a bonus or extra money coming in, you can set limits. If you want to set up an emergency fund or savings money and do that, we can show and get those predetermined so it’s not utilized. If you start this opportunity and have $100,000 in the bank, it’s not going to spend your $100,000. You put buffers on it to make the program and the opportunity work harder without using your reserves. You can do what you want to do. We understand.

Good in, good out. Bad info in, bad info out. That’s when I get to know what you’re looking to achieve and where things are heading. We want to talk to you about your real estate life at (888) 543-3980. Go to our website at YourRealEstateLife.com. You can go there, get good information, and sign up for various items. You can also sign up for that webinar by writing an email to Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. It’s (888) 543-3980.

Look at these programs that we do. I look at the results, and I’m always very happy as we start here in the fourth quarter. Going back to who we have touched, it hasn’t been as much on the lending side as it has been done in previous years but we’re touching individuals and families where it counts. Their monthly payments, discretionary money, and insurance have changed.

There are those of you who have gotten your renewal notices or, in some cases, your non-renewal notices. I’ve heard individuals who had claims years ago being canceled now because of those claims, and they don’t know where to go. I have individuals who are being told they’re in flood zones. They’re in the middle of somewhere the water hasn’t been in years. I have individuals who have a hill in the back of their homes or a view somewhere. All of a sudden, they’re in a fire zone.

You need to understand. If you haven’t gotten your renewal notice yet, and you know your premium is coming up for renewal later, do some homework. Make sure you’re okay but also be prepared for that 39%, 50%, 75%, 100%, or 150% increase in your annual policy. It’s budgeting those items or things that perhaps you don’t have control over, or when you get them, you say, “I’ll shop it with someone else.” That someone else is no longer offering insurance. That someone else may not even have a better cost.

I put out even my curiosity because I wanted to run some stats to it. Someone who sent me an email marketed and said, “We can beat anyone’s quote or current insurance.” I gave it a shot. I sent out the thing. He sent it back to me and told me that he couldn’t get any lower than it was. I go, “You said you had other insurance stuff.” “I have other insurance stuff but nothing I can do lower than what you have.” Be careful about what you see and make sure you check what it is but do it on a timeline that you can do something about.

Making The Right Decisions At The Right Time

That’s what I like about this perfect financial GPS program. It allows you to do that. You could be ahead at the beginning of the line and making the right decisions at the right timing rather than the would-have, could-have, and should-have, “I missed it.” I don’t want that to be you. I come to you on the weekends doing this for years. At various times, there are various priorities in life as to what we’re doing and what we’re trying to accomplish but we’re all trying to save money.

At various times, there are various priorities in life as to what we're doing and what we're trying to accomplish, but we're all trying to save money. Click To Tweet

In this current market or environment, some of us are seeing this stuff for the first time. We have always been enjoying low-interest rates. Rates are going down but when I got started in the business, I was told I missed the first refinance boom. I had 30-year fixed rates at 12%, and I was told that I was lucky that rates were that low because, in the early ’80s, they got up to 16% to 18%. Twelve percent was a lot better.

In my earlier years in the business when rates got below 10%, we were doing not letter but legal-sized flyers, 9%, 7%, and 8%. We thought we would never see a single digit. As we’re getting a little bit higher at 7%, I’m not sure we’re going to hit 9%. I don’t believe we are. I believe 7% is where we’re going to be. We’re going to start turning back and see something with a five in the front number sometime in 2024. We will see what happens in the world and the economies and anything else that may jar something any further. We will see if we have a soft landing or maybe one that goes a little harder.

Someone told me, “When you’re on an airline flight, and the plane is landing, you can tell if you have a Navy pilot or an Air Force pilot because a Navy pilot has to land on the carrier. The Air Force pilot has a little bit longer of a runway.” It’s interesting. I play that game as if it’s more abrupt or more prolonged. Correct me if I’m wrong, airline pilots. I find it interesting as I go on flights. You do something, talk to individuals, and find out what’s going on throughout the United States but now, I’m talking with you. Give us a call at (888) 543-3980. I look forward to talking to you about your real estate life. Until next time. What kind of loan do you have?

I’m looking at various things that are going on, and I talked about the Fed and things happening. We have some harmful headwinds going on. I talked about insurance but we also have student loan payments. Payments are starting up here. We’re going to see people making payments. I’m talking to individuals, and I ask them about student loan debt. They go, “That doesn’t count.” It does count. What are you doing in planning with your student loan debt? Is it income-based related to your payments? Is it going to go up considerably in 2024? Let’s talk about your plan and see what we can do to help that process.

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