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Canada Surprises Market – Do Not Be Surprised With Your Finances

  • June 10, 2023
  • realestatelife
  • Podcast

YREL 417 | Personal Finances


Always keep an eye on your personal finances. Never let it surprise you, and make sure it is working to your advantage at all times. Michael Harris talks about how married couples can properly set up their finances, why you only need a checking and savings account, and the right way to have debt elimination. He also explains how to obtain your dream home, the best way to approach refinance, and the massive benefits of reverse mortgages.

Listen to the podcast here


Canada Surprises Market – Do Not Be Surprised With Your Finances

I want to know what kind of loan you have. We are talking money and saving money. We are churning up your frequency so we can churn down your volume. That’s your loan volume, and you are going, “What’s the difference? I got a great rate.” Have you looked at your monthly statement yet? Maybe you don’t look at it anymore physically in your hand. You go online, but maybe you haven’t looked at it lately. What percentage are you paying towards interest, 50%, 60%, 70%, or 80%? Your true interest volume is a lot higher than you may think because you are loading more upfront in interest to lesser interest later on. If you have the loan for 5, 7, or 10 years, you are paying a lot more interest.

I look at it this way, if you had your credit card and you got those 0% credit card offers, I had one on the way into the studio. I was looking at the mail and picking it up from the weekend or the end of the week. I was like, “Zero percent.” Yeah, 4% upfront. The thing is, if you have that, let’s say for 18 months, you pay 4% upfront, you paid 4% over 18 months. You take that and figure it out. You are paying interest. Let’s say you pay that off and you are like, “I’m going to be smart. I needed it for a short time. I paid my 4%. This is great. Only 4%. I paid it off in six months.” You paid it off three times less than the term that was available. Now that you paid 12% or so, you paid more.

The credit company is going, “We will get that smart person who pays it off early. We will make more money on them anyway because they had to pay 4% upfront.” Also, you are that other individual who can’t figure out a way to get that paid off because they don’t have the means to do so, and they go eighteen months and all of a sudden it goes to the full market, the 20% or 30% that you have on your credit card.

Either going to get you for not having enough money or if you have too much money, you are going to pay it off early because you don’t want to have the obligation. How would you like to have a perfect financial GPS program that did that for you, computed that for you, and was there for you who didn’t talk back and take care of that? That’s one part of it.

Upcoming Webinar

I want to show you how you can do that and show you how you can lower your debt and be debt-free in a third or half the time without changing your lifestyle. No pork and beans and no living on the edge. I want to show you how you could use the principles of money to be further ahead. No obligation. We are going to be doing it a couple of different ways coming right up here. We are going to be having a webinar at 6:00 PM. Seats are getting a little bit thin, but I can get you in. I want to get you out of the Zoom invite. Radio@United4loans.com for that. I want to get that out to you.

We are also going to have it on subsequent Tuesdays at 6:00 PM, but also we can have individual consultations. If you are reading and have credit card debt and student loans, or even if you are paying rent and not owning a home, I can help. If you own a home and you have multiple mortgages, I want to show you how I can dwarf and get those down considerably without changing your lifestyle.

Math numbers don’t lie. I want to show you. Let me understand what you have so I can show you a solution you may not have thought of before. It’s not as easy as going, “I will pay this and I will pay that,” and nothing. No. It’s a perfect financial GPS. That’s why you have directions when you go somewhere now and you put those in. You are not pulling out the big roadmap out of the glove compartment or pulling out an atlas. You are doing something a little bit different because technology has allowed you to do things more effectively. That’s why I’m trying to help you here with your finances. Let me effectively show you a better route and something that will save you time, let alone your money. (888) 543 3980.

I’m a mortgage banker. I have been doing that now for many years. We have helped a lot of families. I got started in the business in the ’80s. You missed the market. Rates were up at 18% in the early ’80s. You got it good. You are at 12%. When I got started, everything was great at 12%. We have 6% in front of our number, which is half that, but we are at the end of the world. You got to look at where prices were. Prices back then, I had a conforming loan limit that was $120,000 or $130,000. Now it’s much higher. It’s all in perspective, but rates eventually did come down. We hit all-time lows at 2.6%.

In the previous years, we have seen the Federal Reserve go from 0% to 5%. We are going to be looking at another Fed meeting. We are going to be looking at what’s going on. Nothing is scheduled on Monday, but on Tuesday, we are going to be looking at the consumer price index. That’s the one I’m watching. The consumer price index is either get rid of the twelve-month ago figure.

When that goes away, it was 0.6% and let’s say it’s 0.3%, 0.4%, or whatever the case may be, they are expecting 0.4%. That’s going to be a 0.2% gain. That means inflation will go down. We will have the core CPI come out and we will see how it goes year over year. Wednesday, produce a price index and, again, the various other items. The Fed minutes. We have got the Fed meeting. We are going to see if the Fed is going to hold tight or if they are going to look at another quarter.

Ball Club Lessons

Your favorite ball club is trying to finish on top at year’s end. During the year, they have some injuries and some items, and they make some trades perhaps and have some deadlines. They gain new players and they bring players up, and some of the older players may move to another team. We are seeing those changes with our local teams now. Free agency is pending, maybe in the coming years, and they are making changes so they finish on top. Some teams finish on top, and then they make changes thereafter.

Some teams have time clocks because they have young players and are trying to keep a budget, but all of a sudden, those young players are pretty good. They get to a point where they can’t afford them any longer, and they go to a market they can’t, and then they have to keep on rebuilding. Look at the Tampa Bay Raiders. Their budget is a lot lower, but they are very successful at present but haven’t quite made it to the top. They have been close, but they are a lot more successful than some other markets.

Now you look at the Toronto Blue Jays. They have a lot of young stars and they are trying to integrate some veterans too, but those young stars are going to get some big paychecks pretty soon. They have to make some decisions. Is their budget going to allow that? Are they going to be able to give the take? That’s you and your household. You have things that are going to be moving and changing. Inflationary items, you have been able to absorb. Maybe your pay has gone up or maybe it hasn’t. Maybe you don’t have that job you used to have.

We got to move and go as we have and make these decisions and see what’s going on and have that future vision. Something I shared last time, we have things going on in the insurance business where your homeowner’s insurance may be going up considerably. That’s something to keep an eye out for affordability. Where’s that money coming from if you are on a tight budget?

For those of you who have student loans, your payments are going to start being paid again. Are you ready for what that payment is? It may be higher than what you had before it was frozen. You need to take a look. What we are doing is meeting with individuals, going over the ins and outs, and understanding what you have. We are utilizing a perfect financial GPS program to utilize this for your finances and works 24/7 for you and we are showing individuals how they can take 30 or 25. Whatever amount of years that you have remaining on your debt, mortgage, and other obligations, take it down a third or half the time without changing your lifestyle.

Sounds cliché, but it’s not. It’s true. My obligations are because I purchased a home, and I have a mortgage on that. I downsized. I’m going to be debt-free in 7.7 years. I want to illustrate and show you what I have done and what I have seen others do, and I’m training others to have it happen for them. There’s no obligation. Just information. It’s a meeting that we will have. I could eventually run your numbers and give you that choice.

Married Life Finances

The bottom line is I have had grown men cry and women who have hit their husbands in the side going, “See.” I have seen many things. I have also seen a marriage family therapist refer their clients and it saved the marriage. The reason why, the spouse was handling the finances and the other one wasn’t. The other one had a problem, the money, where it was going and how it was being done? Although that spouse was handling the finances, they weren’t effectively doing it well.

This perfect financial GPS program stepped in and advised exactly what needed to be done and when it needed to be done with the numbers that they had and the obligations they had, and it was making effective decisions that both of them could see and now the communication channel was open. We have taken their situation down from 23 years down to 9.7. It wasn’t as glaring of a difference as some, but 9.7 years saved the marriage.

A perfect financial GPS program can teach married couples what must be done with their numbers and obligations, giving them a chance to make effective decisions and keep communication channels open. Click To Tweet

Some of you say it was worth saving. It was a financial argument and all that. They still cared for each other, but it was a finance problem, money issue, and money management issue. Sometimes, it’s seeing that from the outside coming in and then showing them how a solution can be in place. We have seen this from families that are getting started to families that have gone their full path, allowing the legacy and what ought to be taken care of and eliminating financial obligations and debt.

A lot has been accomplished. It’s been very rewarding watching families get this done. On my end, being a mortgage banker for many years, I have seen a lot when I help someone get into a home. When someone gets into a home, they also need to know what’s coming. The obligations, the things that occur, the washer, and the dryer.

If something is going wrong with that or if there’s a roof issue, what do you do in the unexpected and do you have that budget? What’s happening? It’s not, “I got the home loan.” It’s OG. I need the furniture. Things lead to the next. I like to educate also throughout the process to make sure there’s comfort. It’s not trying to get you qualified for the rung on the top of the ladder, so you can barely afford it.

I was on the phone with a gentleman and we were looking at the obligation and we can get them the loan. The thing I was mentioning was be careful what you wish for. It might come true. I want to make sure that the outcome is what he wants to have on a monthly basis. It was close. We are moving forward. We then ran his numbers on the new proposal and we took the 30-year loan down below 10 years based on his cashflow.

That was a good solution and an opportunity that I wanted to show that allowed the decision to be easily made. It also has to do with where rates are now and where we may see them going, which I believe is a little bit down. Maybe not as down as far as they were, but they will start coming down a little bit and we will get there.

As I mentioned, we have the Fed meeting. We had to watch that as it was announced. Whether we have a pause or perhaps that last quarter, I thought the last meeting was the last one. We have had a lot of mixed information going on, whether it was the debt ceiling talks or other items, as we have been seeing.

We will see where we are there and how much they will make that move. Later, we have initial jobless claims. We have retail sales, the Empire State Index, import-export prices, the Philadelphia Fed Index, capacity utilization, business inventories, and consumer sentiment. How do you feel? We have that coming out. We are going to keep an eye on these items and see how they affect you in your real estate.


We have transactions that we have in purchases. We have some refinancing. We are consolidating some debt for some individuals who have higher credit cards by getting a new loan. It was interesting. We had a gentleman who had a lower interest rate on his first, but based on what he owed and the monies that were needed to do, the improvements he wanted to do, and made better sense to refinance to a higher interest rate than maybe get that line of credit at the moment. We were protecting a smaller number and the average rate ended up being better by refinancing the first mortgage.

YREL 417 | Personal Finances
Personal Finances: It is better to refinance to a higher interest rate than get a line of credit.

We can always refinance that loan when rates come back down. Also, he has a higher value after he does the home improvement. We are looking to get that done. There might also be room for a line of credit. We are doing equity lines now. I haven’t been able to say that for that long because it wasn’t right for me to do it because I was better off referring it for free to somebody else. You were getting better money or management there because of the cost. Now, the banks or credit unions are not lending as easily to those numbers and the equity positions, but they are no longer free.

It was the lost leader, so they can get your relationship. Now it’s, “No. We need the money so we can get the loan done. They are sometimes $2,000 or over $1,000. They are changing their numbers and maybe they are only lending up to 80% combined loan to value. I can do the combined loan to value at 80%, but I can even go to 95% right now.

For those of you who are tight and need the solution, maybe you have an unfortunate event or item that needs to be resolved and this can help that or improvement to allow future higher value. Maybe we could get a better result with better equity after the improvements. Some of the solutions I have right now, up to 80%, are allowing a $100 appraisal evaluation, which is saving, honestly, someone coming out to the property. Right, wrong, or indifferent, but sometimes, in doing an equity line, it’s for the purpose of repairing or doing items at the home.

That $100 evaluation will allow that money to come. Those improvements can be made where if it was a physical onsite appraisal, we may have a delay because those items need to be taken care of. We will talk more about that on an individual basis based on what you have, what your equity position and your needs are, and what needs to be done.

The (888) 543 3980. We want to talk to you about your real estate life, but we also want to make sure your real estate life has a great journey and end. By doing that, if we are able to show you that a half or third time, we can take care of those obligations, we can evaluate that mortgage in a different light. We can look at the timing. When you look at your mortgage statement, you are paying a lot more interest volume than the interest rate that’s on your statement because a mortgage is an amortized loan, which means more interest early, less interest later, and more principal later.

You are not breaking even 50/50 until about 18 to 22 years in. You are overpaying interest early 60%, 70%, or 80% in some cases. I know I’m putting in my loan. I’m in my third year, but I’m putting it on a big push and I’m already past the 50/50 based on what the opportunity has done for me. I’m going to be debt-free in several years. These are the things that I’m doing and looking for you to do similar, so you can control your finances and live debt-free. You can make decisions that maybe you are not able to make now and have extra money available for the things that you want to do or provide for your family’s future.

Post-Graduate Stories

Both of my children have now graduated college. I have taken that journey here on the radio for several years. My daughter graduated and she should be starting a Master’s program. My son graduated a couple of years ago with a degree. He’s looking for his career job and getting that done, but both of them graduated with no student loans or debt obligations because there was a financial plan in place.

I talk about this and have a guest, Marisha Charbonnet, an estate planning attorney, Family Security Law Group. She talks about estate planning. Having the right estate plan makes sure if something happens to you, those you care about have a solution there for them. Maybe it’s a solution that your wishes were to have. Having the right plan obligations and items could create a legacy for your family instead of a legacy of debt or accumulation.

You buy life insurance because you care about someone else, but life insurance could also be utilized as you being the bank. This is not going to be a life insurance talk here, but it’s more about utilizing the money to borrow from yourself to make money on your money, and there are ways to do that on a more sophisticated level than utilizing equity lines.

You buy life insurance because you care about someone else. It can also be utilized as you being the bank. Click To Tweet

A Checking And Savings Account

What I’m talking to you about is that you only need a checking and savings account. What is your checking account at? Is it a 0.1%? Why? You can have things online or various vehicles now where you can get 3%, 4%, and 5% return and have immediate access, so you are leaving money on the table there as well. There are a lot of ways that I want to show you what you can do to have more money on your side of the ledger and then make a big difference.

You have heard the story about compounding interest, the person that has a dollar every day and accumulates and they start and then later on someone starts with a large sum. Which one would you want? The one that was getting a dollar would be much further ahead on compounding interest. Depending on what you are earning, 1%, 2%, 3%, or 5%, it can accumulate fast.

When you stop your obligations 5, 10, or 15 years early because you paid them off and now you have that monthly money that can accumulate, the numbers are phenomenal, and the opportunities that you have to create more wealth. We have a lady and gentlemen who are creating more wealth by buying real estate and creating more rentals and more doors.

I told a story here many years ago where I had a senior couple who had sold their home. They had great equity. They bought a three-unit property. They moved in one of the units downsized. Now, they rent out the other two units that pay their amount, but they did a reverse purchase. Not only do they not have a payment, but it’s an optional payment and now they create two doors of rent. They have more money than they did earlier in retirement. They are doing great.

There are a lot of ways to look at various things and utilize various programs and opportunities, but a lot of it is numbers and money. You have been told to do certain things a certain way. If you prepay something, the bank says, “You don’t have a payment this month. You have already met the obligation.” Then you say, “Okay,” and you are right back on the bank’s plan.

Debt Elimination

I want to show you how you can have debt elimination and then create wealth by having your plan and stop only listening to the bank’s plan. You borrowed a certain amount of money and you are obligated for that money you borrowed, but you are not obligated to pay the full amount of interest if your term is cut short. That’s like if you sell a house, you don’t have to pay the 30 years of interest. You sold the home. You have a payoff demand and you get it and you go. We are going to lower the payoff timeline.

YREL 417 | Personal Finances
Personal Finances: You borrowed a certain amount of money and you are obligated for that money you borrowed, but you are not obligated to pay the full amount of interest if your term is cut short.

I have had some colleagues who have been utilizing their opportunity now for years. Some of them are longer and some shorter, but they are at a point where they are becoming debt-free. They are having a mortgage-burning party. One of them is debt-free and that’s going to be cute. They could do it online so everyone sees it throughout the United States on both our colleagues.

We have another gentleman who works a lot with the churches and synagogues. They are getting churches and synagogues. They are getting their mortgages and debts to the congregation. They are getting their obligations paid and utilizing this opportunity to eliminate the debt and it’s very powerful. I want to help show you how you can do that for your household and be the hero.

It’s a note to cost and a Tuesday night webinar. I can send you the Zoom invite to Radio@United4loans.com. We will be on subsequent Tuesdays as well. If Tuesday night is not good for you, let me know. Let’s set up a time. We will go on Calendly and we will set up a time. We will go ahead and set up an appointment and we will have a one-on-one appointment and we will evaluate, but I can also send you out some information prior.

If you email me at Radio@United4loans.com and say, “Send me some links.” It will be three links. You will take a look at it and get a little bit of an idea, and then let me know if it makes sense to you and if you want to set up an appointment. Let me know if you want to go on Tuesday and then I can get you that information.

Upcoming Live Event

If you are also reading or maybe you would drive to or you are in the Irvine area. We are having a live event. We have had a lot of demand and I want to make sure we are visible to as many places as we can. We are doing the online items on Tuesday evenings. We will have leadership there. We will have things going on, but we are going to show you what this is all about. That’s at Irvine Hilton at 7:00 PM, but I can get you the information at Radio@United4loans.com. I’m going to be out there. I want to see you. You say, “I read this on a blog,” or, “How are you doing?” You can see me there.

I have been doing this for a long time and I haven’t been this excited about an item because I could try to do this myself, but I was leaving a few years on the table. A few years in our market is quite a bit of money. There’s no reason for me to have my lender love me. I don’t. I want to make that go away. There’s no reason for me to pay them the extra interest when it’s my money and I work hard for it. You do the same. Give us a call. (888) 543 3980. Go to YourRealEstateLife.com or United4Loans.com.

Interest Rate Vs. Interest Volume

I want to discover and show you how you can save hundreds and thousands of dollars on your money because of the interest rate versus interest volume. There’s a principle of money. I want to show you how we can attack that early interest. I want to turn up your frequency to turn down your interest volume. Let me show you how that works.

I can get you some information regarding interest rate versus interest volume. I can show you how the program and the opportunity work for you. You don’t have to be a mathematician. It’s going to work for you 24/7. It’s a smart program or an opportunity that’s going to not talk back to you but give you facts, and I like that. If I veer off the path as you do if you are driving and navigation, it says, “Recalculate,” and get you back on the path.

It’s going to get you back to zero as fast as possible, but life comes up. Things happen, but it can budget, handle, and do, and if it creates an extra point, something additional to your timeline debt-free, it’s going to save you money as a result. Thus, 26 years down to 7.7 is my example. I want to show you how I can help you save money. As a mortgage banker, I’m here for your financing concerns and needs. That’s what I do at the primary of my job. I have been doing that for many years.

We look at money and finances. We are going back with our clients and we want to help them retire that debt even sooner. There are reluctancies. I have a spreadsheet. I do take care of that myself. I have been working diligently every day and I’m doing hours upon hours. Now I have what I have and I have done what I have done and I have done very well, but I can do better.

Not About Getting Rich

Life will always continue to teach. You need to look at things. You need to look because once you say you know everything, you are done. I want to show you a better way to save you more money and get more money for you, your family and those you care about. I’m not getting rich by doing this regarding the debt program and the opportunity. It’s not a get-rich-quick for me, but I’m reaching more families and more households and creating opportunities.

Life will always continue to teach. You need to look at things because once you say you know everything, you are done. Click To Tweet

I do have individuals who like it so much they want to refer and maybe do a little side item or maybe even get a full-time job because they understand it, have a mission themselves, and are creating full-time income. They truly are. As I develop and do this, I’m going to have that going. I will have my mortgage end going. The mortgage industry in the last few years has been a little quieter than it has been, but I have been doing it for many years, so I’m doing just fine.

I’m building this side of my business and have some great individuals already involved, but I’m also reaching a lot of clients and past clients who are saving so much money. They have a low-interest rate, but as I said, their interest volume is high. The goal is to retire that debt as soon as possible, but it’s not a solicitation for refinancing. It’s not a solicitation for something. “I want to do this to do that.” No. It has an outcome that’s best for you. If you are my past client, great. Let’s talk because we have been reaching out. If you are not and you went with someone else, let me take the ball and run with it so we can lower your monthlies even faster.

You don’t have to have extra funds. It’s what you have now. Let’s evaluate it and see what we can do. It’s done numbers with people who own property and people who still rent. It helps with student loans and obligations. Especially as student loan payments are coming back on board and possible homeowners insurance is going up, you are going to have other things that are going to be hitting you from another side.

I want to start an early attack. I want to do a counter-offensive. I want to get this in place so you understand and have a roadmap and a map that’s going to continue to go forward 90 days out and be ready for the unexpected. Let me show you how it works and what it can do for you and run your numbers. That’s (888) 543 3980.

As I said, primarily, I’m a mortgage lender. I do loans in California, Colorado, Montana, Texas, and the state of Washington. In doing loans, we will handle that forward in reverse loan, whether it’s an FHA, VA, or USDA, or whether it’s ITIN loans, taxpayer identification loans, and reverse mortgages. Also, we will do commercial and residential mixed-use, bridge loans, or private money. Anything that you are looking for when it comes to that forward or reverse purchase or refinance, we can help.

As we have talked to many people and done many loans over many years, we have had a lot of circumstances that we run into, whether it’s somebody getting started, somebody who owns multiple properties, or complex tax returns. Whether they are self-employed or salaried corporation partnership returns. Whether they have trust income, asset depletion, or where we have foreign nationals. There are a lot of different types of loans out there, and we are able to dive into each of those and understand those tax returns and be able to derive the right income or cashflow.

We have a gentleman who is self-employed. He has a corporation, takes a salary from his corporation, and then he has money in the corporation that goes through to his return. Some of you are going like, “What?” A lot of you on the self-employed side understand that. We are able to look at that income and see if it is adequate to qualify, but if it’s not, we can look at the cashflow based on bank statements. Whether it’s, in some cases, 1 month but 3, 6, 12, or 24 months, bank statements show cashflow to qualify for a loan.

Sometimes, what you don’t show Uncle Sam and you are not paying taxes on with legal write-offs, you are better off that way and not having as much tax obligation, but maybe paying a little bit more monthly on your interest. These are the things that we look at. We will do some mortgage planning and understanding and find out what’s the best route to take, but we want to do that early. You are pre-approved subject to the purchase of said property. We will look at that, we will look at refinancing, and we will look at the whole spectrum.

Obtaining Your Dream Home

We are talking about a lot of things, but what we do here is help people obtain the home of their dreams. We want to make sure it’s affordable at the right price. I want to make sure to help you get into your property, but I want to make sure you stay in your property as you want to be. I don’t want you to be forced to sell and not be affordable. There are times when people will put you into a loan back in the day, “I got a ten-year loan.” That was great for the first year until you felt you couldn’t afford it and then you had to figure out how to get to a longer term to afford it.

I want to make sure you have contingencies and ideas when you look at financing, but we have also been packaging and putting together this perfect financial GPS program that’s making perfect financial decisions based on your inflow and outflow. Everything. I’m talking about water, gas, electricity, and groceries, everything. What comes in is income and what goes out. That also includes anything that doesn’t necessarily count for qualifying on a loan, such as any money coming in.

With those monies in discretionary, if you have a checking and savings, that’s all you need. It’s going to be able to utilize the principles of money to allow you to get further down the path a half or third of the time. I’m going to go ahead and show you how you can be debt-free much sooner. I have said it over and over. I’m 26 years down to 7.7. That’s nice. I’d be excited if I was 26 years down to 13 years. I say thirteen years.

YREL 417 | Personal Finances
Personal Finances: With those monies in discretionary, if you have a checking and savings, that’s all you need. It’s going to be able to utilize the principles of money to allow you to get further down the path a half or third of the time.

On my own, I was utilizing my ideas and what I was doing and I was leaving money on the table. I started using this opportunity and saw that difference and it made such sense that I go, “I got to tell more people about it.” I have been talking to my past clients, talking to you, our readers, and we are having people moving forward saving tons of money. Your first reaction is, “You got to be kidding.”

Then we run your numbers and we are showing you a full spreadsheet. All your numbers are inputted in, every penny. It shows you how quickly and what it’s doing, and then I show you how that works, and then you have support. You have a guarantee. You follow the program. It’s going to have that result. Now, things come up, but you can do future analysis if you buy a car or want to buy a car.

I was talking with a gentleman who is contemplating Social Security. Does he take Social Security at 65? Does he wait until he is 60, or does he go to 70? What should he do? Now, he can go consult an expert who wants to charge him a fortune, or he has to sit there and have a steak dinner and wait for them to go ahead. He can go through all of that. Those are good things. He’s seeking help.

This opportunity allows you to put in that figure that they are offering you now, that figure that they would offer you then, and the next figure they would offer you even further down the line. You can plug that in and it will tell you where you are on your plan to be debt-free. If you are being offered a set amount of money and it goes to work for you and says you are debt-free in a certain amount of years, or you get more money down the line, what amount of money was earned during those three years before the next offering?

How much money can you bank and attack on obligations? What is your break-even now with the higher amount that comes three years from now? In this case, perhaps it was closer to seven years to get back the money that wasn’t taken in the first three years, and that didn’t even put in the variables on interest.

I went over a large computation that I didn’t even have the direct answer to, but if you plug these numbers in and you run this example in about two seconds, it’s going to spit out the dates and the times and it’s going to tell you, and you are going to see which is better. This is a fantastic opportunity to utilize even for future computation or even if you are debt-free. I’d like to show you what the capabilities are and where you are. I had a gentleman who said, “I’m not sure it’s right for me. I only have a mortgage.” “Only have a mortgage. What do you owe?” “About $500,000.”

There are many items that we can do. We have people who don’t even have a home loan, who have credit cards and other obligations, and we are shaving those off tremendously. I had a young lady who didn’t know what to do. She’s trying to improve her job and improve her position. We were running the numbers and I showed her what minimum income she needed to gain a better result, and she was going, “I feel so much better.”

Her goals were so much higher, and if she finds what she’s looking for, she’s going to be debt-free in a few years. It was an astronomical result. It also gives you a much better disposition about where you are in life. It’s always one of those things where it’s a recession when your neighbor loses their job. When you lose your job, it’s a depression.

I don’t want that to be you. I want to make sure you have the right path, the mindset, and making sure you have the right results for you and your family. Give me a call at (888) 543 3980. I’m a certified field trainer for the GPS program, but I have been doing this for a long time, helping individuals when they help them with their mortgage.

Taking Money To The Right Places

Sometimes, as much as I want to advise when we refinance and save money because the rate went down, people aren’t necessarily taking that money and applying it elsewhere properly. They are taking the savings that I gave them on that refinance and spending it somewhere. My thought would be if you can afford what you have now but have a better rate, you take that money and apply it towards principal or other items to reduce debt.

You can do that and that puts you in the game. It puts you under the game, but it’s not necessarily hitting the bullseye. I want something disciplined and something letting me know what I need to do, and then I could follow that, or you have an option to divert and it will tell you where you have gone on your path as a result.

Many of you are running your finances with little yellow stickies that are stuck to your backside, and that’s not a great way to do it because sometimes you find that yellow one or the pink one or the blue one, and you are not sure if that was the right one. You are not sure it’s in the right order, and then you got that on your computer, it’s like when I talk to someone who I know is using all that, it’s like, “It’s right here.”

The organization isn’t there. Not that I want to make you so organized, but when you have that backup and you understand what’s happening, and somebody else can take a look, if you invite them to take a look that they can see what’s going on, that’s huge. It gives you peace of mind, it gives you security, and it relieves a lot of stress, but it’s getting your finances in the right spot going forward, and that’s what it’s all about.

When you have financial backup and the right expert support, you can gain peace of mind and security. It is all about getting your finances in the right spot going forward. Click To Tweet

It’s preparing. If you are looking to buy a property, you also prepare. You want to make sure your credit score is in the right spot. What can you do? We will evaluate that. You want to make sure your money is your down payment. We had an individual who was looking to purchase and they were trying to use bank statements to qualify, which is fine. He was using his bank account as an ATM and it was being overdrawn.

He had a lot of NSF charges on his bank statements. Doing a bank statement loan, that’s all they see. They are going, “How am I doing this?” That made it impossible so now we have to get that back to the right spot. We want to be prepared, but I want you to be prepared today, tomorrow, and in the future, and I want your future to be brighter than it is now. Relieving you from those obligations and eliminating interest early is what we are talking about now.

You may be saying, “I don’t need you. My rate is low. Why am I even reading?” I’m not talking about refinancing and purchasing on this level. I’m talking about life. I’m talking about handling finances effectively. Take those envelopes and those items you are doing. Converting it from the abacus to the calculator to the roadmaps back now to a perfect financial GPS program for your finances.

I want this to be for you. I want to show you how it works so you can make that decision. In the meantime, if you are looking to buy, refinance, do home improvement, or do other items, I would love to talk to you about a home equity line of credit. A home equity loan if needed. Even up to 95% combined loan to value, we can do those to protect your lower first mortgage rate if it makes sense. In some cases, it doesn’t. It makes sense to refinance and create the extra value. Rates will come down perhaps in the next six months or so as we see that jiggle.

We are going to look for the best route for what your goals are and what you are looking to do, but if we are looking to eliminate debt and eliminate interest volume. Your mortgage rate is important and your other rates are important, but they become less important if we eliminate them sooner than you may think. I’d like to give you that surprise.

Reverse Mortgages

We are helping a lot of families with reverse mortgages. Fifty-five years of age and older. I have a couple in their 90s we are helping right now. The siblings are trying to get things in order and do things. By getting this done, there are a lot of repairs on the home that are being done right now, and this is allowing that to be done.

The contractors agreed to be paid through the closing of the reverse mortgage, which is making it very helpful, so those are being completed. We are getting things handled there. I have another couple in their 80s and 2 in their 70s. I have one who’s 58 years of age. We have the full spectrum going right now based on available money. We have one who lost their spouse and we are organizing and getting all the finances capped out and putting them in a position where they don’t have a mortgage payment and they can keep the home. That’s very important for the family. We are there creating solutions.

In the past, we have done that where I have saved a home in the Riverside market. I have done loans where on the spouse or medical needs and had help coming in. I created a line of credit that was available to help preserve their money. We have many ways and many things that we can do, and reverse one of the items in the toolbox.

When we look at a forward loan, I want to make sure it’s the right loan for the right time. If you are looking at an investment property, we can do that under qualification with tax returns, but we can also qualify the property that qualifies for that loan. Utilizing what is called a debt service coverage ratio loan. We have had a growing population and communities looking at ITIN loans and Taxpayer Identification Loans where you don’t have a Social Security number, but you are working legally in the States. We are able to help you get a loan up to 89% loan to value.

YREL 417 | Personal Finances
Personal Finances: If you are looking at an investment property, that can be done under qualification with tax returns. It can also qualify for a loan using a debt service coverage ratio loan.

Interest rates are a little higher, but again, it gets you in the ballpark. It gets you into that rather than having no deductions and no items at all. We can look at that and talk to your CPA or tax preparer about what’s advantageous for you, but we can also go into those details. I’m looking at the calendar. We have the Fed meeting that’s going to be big. We have the inflationary numbers coming out.

I’m paying attention to that to see as we gauge inflation and as the Fed moves to start moving through the system, and then it leads to that Fed meeting and what the result be. Are they going to go into the quarter? Are they going to start pausing? If they make a pause, that’s a big statement because it’s very difficult to pause and then start again.

If they pause, that might be near the end, and you may see mortgage rates rally. You may see the treasuries come down. You may see mortgage rates fall sooner than later, but even if the Fed goes up, then they think that is the end. The mortgage rates may even be okay. You are going to see some interesting reactions as the week goes on, and we are going to keep an eye on those. We are going to make those decisions with our clients but also with you, our future clients coming in the door looking to purchase, refinance, or looking to eliminate interest sooner.

YREL 417 | Personal Finances
Personal Finances: Even if the Fed goes up, the mortgage rates may even be okay.

That’s the goal of our program. We come to you on the weekends. We are here on News Talk 1590 KTVA. We are also on Sunday mornings every other week, and we are doing that on K-Earth 101. You can stream at KVTA.com or K-Earth101.com. The program will be posted on our sites at United4Loans.com and YourRealEstateLife.com.

Marital Advice

You don’t have to be shy to call. I will take as much time as necessary to go over your particular situation of where you are in your real estate life and maybe your debt life. Understanding what I can do. I had somebody ask me an opinion. It was more of a marital item. It was odd and peculiar, but they asked me my opinion. I said, “I’m not the qualified individual,” but I gave them an idea because I knew where it led into items about mortgage and decisions later on, but had to do about a prenuptial. Should I do a prenuptial agreement? I knew nothing about this individual, but again, it’s understanding they already owned real estate before the marriage. Does she or he or do they?

I need to understand where things are held. Also, as you have that marriage, is it co-money paying for that other’s item? Is the co-mingling existing and understanding the separation and the co-mingling of those assets and what creates that? I refer them to proper locations and items but give them something to think about because those things aren’t necessarily thought about.

It was very commendable, but I also said, “If you bring it up without talking to the other party and you bring it up, you got to understand your relationship, and it might be the end of that relationship. You have to understand where you are in that process.” We try to get you on the right path, but my goal is to help get you into a property and get that loan for you. It’s having you retain the property, be comfortable there, and want to go home, but have the freedom to open the door and walk out the door when you want to.

That’s the goal. It’s education and information to make a wise decision and it’s not being forced upon you. If I can get you to zero faster, meet your goals and free up money for you to enjoy where you want to go, that’s the goal of this program. You are reading this blog. I have been doing this for many years on weekends in Southern California. I own a mortgage banking company, United Mortgage Corporation of America.

I have been in the business for many years and I’d like to bring my influence back to you and experiences that I have had through others so you can take the right path and the right journey for your real estate life. I’d like to thank you. You can go to our website, YourRealEstateLife.com or United4Loans.com. Don’t forget our webinars. Email me at Radio@United4loans.com to get more information. Until the next episode. What kind of loan do you have?


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