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Dark Clouds Help Rates

  • April 9, 2023
  • realestatelife
  • Podcast

YREL 408 | Bad News


Bad news is sometimes good news for mortgage space. That’s why even though problems in the banking sector are far from over and the course of recession is elevated, there might be positive things to be found in this current market. Michael Harris talks about how to navigate these unpredictable times while working on building your wealth, becoming your own bank, and fast-tracking the elimination of your debt. Michael is also joined by Marisha Charbonnet who explains how children can create an estate plan and what to do if their parents are starting to show signs of forgetfulness.

Listen to the podcast here


Dark Clouds Help Rates

I want to know what kind of loan you have. Happy Passover. Happy Easter weekend. You’ve come to the right place if you’re looking to convert debt to wealth. We’re looking to change the lending industry one household at a time. Let’s get started by calling (888) 543-3980. You can email me at Radio@United4Loans.com. I’ll personally respond and send you where you can start and begin to maintain or continue your financial success. We’re going to help you sleep a little bit better.

We’re looking at your credit score. We want to see if we can increase your score, correct some items, save you some money, manage your finances with a perfect financial GPS, effectively pay off your debt in half or a third of the time, and maybe consolidate debt first and then attack that second. We will map out how you can marry your home, date the rate, and divorce the debt.

Home loan rates reached their best levels since September 2022. We have seen a lot of good news in recent times but bad news sometimes is good news for mortgage rates. We saw JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon. He stated that the problems in the banking sector are far from over and the course of the recession is elevated. Remember, bad news is good news for mortgages. We’re watching that. The 10-Year Treasury hit 326. We were looking at fours not too long ago.

It’s the lowest in September 2022. The 200-day moving average has been broken. I’m watching commercials though in adjustable space. I’m a little bit worried about that. We’re watching some of those variable loans adjust. As the indexes have moved and changed, we’re looking at them going up 2%. Someone had a 3% loan. Now, it’s a 5% loan. Someone had 4%. Maybe it’s at 6%. It’s an affordability factor. That pain is coming through the system.

We’re also going to see inflationary numbers drop off from April, May, and June ’22. That’s going to allow some better inflationary numbers. We’re going to watch that very carefully as well. We have been working with people for FHA and VA. We have been handling a couple of 1-0 and 2-1 buy-down loans. We have had some self-employed individuals doing bank statement loans using twelve-month bank statements. We have had some first-time homebuyers looking at investment property first.

We have been able to get that accomplished without any history of investment property with a DSCR or Debt-Service Coverage Ratio loan. We have investors who will do that for first-time investors as well as experienced ones. A debt-service coverage ratio loan or DSCR allows your rent to cover the mortgage payments. We’re looking at that. That’s helping some individuals who may not be able to on paper qualify based on deductions.

We got taxes. Taxes are coming here. We have your property taxes that you need to make sure are being handled. If you have impounds, make sure your statement shows that they have been dispersed, or log in to check that out. We want to make sure you’re on time and those are correct. If you’re not sending those out yet, you got a couple of days to get that out. You better hurry. Monday is the last day but you want to get that out and get it ready to go.

As far as your income taxes, you have a little time on that. In California, we’re in trouble out here. You have until the middle of May 2023 if you do an extension. It’s until October 2023 but you still owe what you owe. Make sure you have your ducks in a row there. We’re helping people also on the lending side. We’re taking a look at taxes in 2022 versus 2023 being filed in ’22. We’re seeing what we can do to get people qualified and get the best results. Pick up the phone. Give us a call at (888) 543-3980.

We have seen people that have up to 29.99% on their credit cards. I had one that was slightly over 30%. We’re showing people how we can consolidate a line of credit or a loan but also accelerate interest payoff and pay off debt in a third or half the time without changing your lifestyle. Find out more about that at (888) 543-3980. You can email me at Radio@United4Loans.com to get started. I’m serious about saving money. I hope you are as well.

We have an exciting program. We have Marisha Charbonnet in the third segment of our show. Stay tuned for that. For estate planning, there are some ideas there. We’re talking about your real estate life and saving money on the journey of real estate. Whether you’re buying your first home, you’re moving up, you’re moving down, or whatever the case may be, we are here to talk about saving you money on that journey.

Interest rates are higher than they have been but if you look at a 30-year timeline, that’s about 7.75% over that average rate during that course of time. We’re lower than that. We have loans closing with fives as the front number. On buy-downs, we have loans closing with 3s and 4s as the front number. What I would like to do is understand what it is you want to do and what you’re trying to achieve so we can understand if there is a move for you or a purchase in your future.

Divorce The Debt

We’re looking at interest rates perhaps coming back down a little bit later. My goal is to spend less money so we can spend less money later and lower our rate. I talked about it earlier in the program. Marry the home, date the rate, and divorce the debt. We’re going to talk about each of those and we do that with each of our clients. Divorcing the debt is paying off interest early. It’s getting that early interest in an amortized loan that doesn’t go 50/50 until about 21 years.

We’re going to get rid of that early interest to pay off that debt sooner. I want to show you how to use the eight principles of money. You can try to figure out the thousands of algorithms and all the different things and nuances and try to do it yourself but I’m asking for about 10 to 15 minutes a month and this is a perfect financial GPS. It’s like you’re driving. You put directions in. You missed the churn. Recalculate, and you’re going to go back and get there as fast as possible in the best route. That’s what I’m talking about.

A perfect financial GPS puts you in the right direction. It will tell you if you missed the churn, recalculate where you are going, and get to your destination as fast as possible. Click To Tweet

I’m talking about putting in items and what-if scenarios regarding future income, future purchases, future vacations, and college planning. All these things can be calculated and come up with your debt payoff date. In the process, I ask you, “When are you looking to purchase? Are you ready? Do you want to?” “Kind of.” What does that mean? Do you have not enough information or facts? What we’re about at United Mortgage Corporation of America is getting you facts and understanding what it costs, what the benefits are, and what the hangups are. The kind-of doesn’t necessarily make sense. You’re missing some key ingredients. I want to help.

“I’m not sure.” Maybe that’s still not understanding the decision because it’s either yes or no. What do you mean you’re not sure? What’s holding you back? What are you thinking about? What do you need to know? I want to help supply that information. I want to answer your questions. Whether you do it today, tomorrow, or in the future, I want to make sure you have the right information to make that decision when it’s appropriate.

“I’m not ready.” Why aren’t you ready? Is it credit? Do you have some credit items that need to be cured or lowered or get your scores higher? What do you mean by not ready? Is it an additional down payment? There are 100% down payment programs out there. Some of you have heard about CalHFA’s California Dream program where you’re going to get a 20% down payment. You share equity and you can get into a home but it came out in March 2023. They’re already out of funds. You have to have loans locked in by the 12th. Some lenders pulled it off the sheets on Friday.

That’s gone but you still have low down payment loans. You have loans that allow seconds that go behind it. We can get a loan without putting 20% down. FHA has been fantastic. We have seen the lowering of the MIP premium. We have had items on FHA where FHA MIP can’t also go away down the line but if you refinance out of an FHA loan, you are going to get portions of that mortgage insurance premium back, especially at 1 year and then up to 5 years. You do get some of that back to roll into that additional loan.

We have individuals who are utilizing FHA with a lower down. It’s more competitive than what conventional lending is doing by most standards but also a little bit more at ease when it comes to credit and credit concerns. We have been watching some of that happen. We have been looking at FHA. The 500 to 619 credit score is being closed a little bit more on FHA than it has before. Back in 2021, it’s gone up 9% but the average is roughly 640 to 679 for FHA because when you’re below 680, conventional has additional fees and adjustments.

We’re going to look at the best route for you. Maybe you’re ready. You’ve been pre-approved but you can, you should, or maybe it’s a must that you should buy. What camp are you in? What’s holding you back? What do you need to see happen to be ready to use that pre-approval? I want to go over those options with you and understand the obstacles that you have gone through or run into.

Seller Credit

Maybe you’re running into being overbid. It still happens in some markets. You want to get seller credit but maybe you haven’t had the right structure. That’s a professional realtor who’s going to be working for you on your side of the ledger. Many people will go out to the listing agent. That’s not a bad thing but you want to make sure there’s a benefit for you because if they’re getting both sides, you should be getting the price break that the seller is not necessarily paying as much,= and you get that as a seller credit.

You want to make sure they’re representing you as well as that seller and you’re not just buying a property but not necessarily being represented on your side of the ledger. That’s a professional. A professional realtor can help you. I am a licensed broker here in the state of California with a very easy license number 00991234. I was lucky to get that number. The bottom line is I don’t list or sell. I refer but I want you working with the right professional.

We have a gentleman. He was looking to do that. He didn’t think about those ideas and options, and it made a difference. He has an offer accepted and he’s ready to go. We’re going to get his loan moving and closing probably within 30 days. We have another gentleman who’s looking to close fast for the seller’s sake but then the seller is going to hang in the property for a little bit doing a rent-back. There are creative ways to set up rent-backs instead of a full amount. It’s through the sales price or credits, and then the rent-back is $1.

Eliminating Early Interest

There is a way to make that work out as well and that’s talking to your real estate professional. You can call me directly at (888) 543-3980. I will gain and get to every single phone call that is missed by my team during the show. I’ll get back to you. You can email me at Radio@United4Loans.com. We are evaluating your current mortgage statement and looking to see if you can do better. Chances are your rate may not be a bad one but I would also like to talk to you about eliminating early interest on your loan.

If you look at your statement, you look at how much is going toward interest and principal and tell me that ratio. In your 3% loan, you might be paying 50%-some-odd, 60%-some-odd, and up to 80%-some-odd interest because it’s being loaded on the front side but you’re paying a lot of principal on the backside later after 50/50- or 21-years in. I want to show you how we can eliminate a lot of that chunk upfront so we can get to those meatier months later.

Send your statement to Statement@United4Loans.com. I’ll get that. I’ll take a look at it and let you know what can be done. I’ll email you back the results on that. We can talk further but it’s not necessarily at this point a refinance. It’s looking at what you’re doing and doing it a tad better. You’re driving. You’ve been on the road and maybe you’ve been around the block a bit. Do you remember the day that you had all those roadmaps in your glove compartment? You’re on your way somewhere and you pulled it out. It was over the front of the window, you couldn’t fold it back, and it ended up in the backseat but you don’t use that roadmap anymore. You have a GPS for your car.

Financial GPS Program

I’m talking about a financial GPS that’s going to navigate you through the process. It’s a smarter system than you. It doesn’t talk back. You can defer from it but it will tell you what you lost by doing so on your payoff date. It’s a very sophisticated program that can work for you. Let me show you how. I like to run your numbers and get you out on a couple of links to take a look at.

We had many individuals move forward already and they’re looking at some links. We’re setting up appointments 1 and 2. I have a series of appointments after the program. I want to have you receive these links, review them, and understand what they are, and then we’re going to set up a call together where we will look to gain your numbers and let you know what we can do to help you save money.

Let’s get back to buying that home. You’ve been pre-approved. It’s a must. You’re ready to go. We have conquered the problems. We got your credit right, your score maximized, and your income verified. Everything is good and we’re going to be ready to go. “It’s not the right time.” Let’s plan and get a strategy. When will be the right time? Is it the interest rate? Does it need to come to a certain level for understanding? If it comes to that level, are prices going to go still a little higher? We have to have the right equilibrium. We need to plan and get that timeline. When is right?

Maybe you’re in the camp like, “I’m not interested,” I got you but do you have any debt? Let’s get rid of that. You may not want to buy a home but let’s get rid of the debt. If you’re renting, you are making a mortgage payment. It’s not your own. It’s your landlord’s. I have some individuals who are renting. They have student loan debt, car payments, rent, and other credit card items. They got some stuff.

We have been able to take 15 years of debt on their current schedule with the bank and take them down to 3.4 years. One was 3.4, one was 2.8, and one was 4.6. Depending upon income and discretionary money or money left over at the end of each and every month, we have been able to have those results. I want to show you something that no one else has shown you before. I want you to have an open mind to understand.

These numbers will be run for you. You will see them, understand them, and digest them, and then you can look at 90 days into the future showing what it is you should be looking to do on your account. You still pay your bills. No one is growing a money tree and giving you money. It’s not falling off the branches. It’s utilizing your current lifestyle. We’re not putting you on pork and beans or putting you off in the closet somewhere. You’re living your current lifestyle but doing it money efficiently. That is what we are talking about, a perfect financial GPS program.

A perfect financial GPS program is not putting you off in a closet somewhere. It will teach you to build your wealth and eliminate debt without changing your lifestyle. Click To Tweet

You email me at Radio@United4Loans.com. You tell me, “I want more about this GPS.” I have your email. I would love to have your name and phone number. I want to get you these links. You’re going to view those links and let me know that you want to have an appointment. If you look at my email, you will be able to register and get an appointment with me on my calendar. A gentleman has an appointment right after the program. He scheduled that and that’s fantastic.

I want to talk to you about saving money and keeping the money with you that you’ve worked hard to save. We have gone through the kind-of, the not-sure, the not-ready, the it-has-been-pre-approved, the not-the-right-times, and the not-interested. We talked about everything that needed to be done to be ready or be in a better position.

That is what we are working with you to do at United Mortgage Corporation of America. You’re not alone. Many of you have hesitation but it’s hesitation with the right information and education. You do what you do best. This is what I do best. I want to help you. I’ve been doing this for many years. Years in the lending industry, I’ve seen various markets. I’ve seen them go up, go down, and spin around.

As the program started and talked about, I want to make sure you are not spinning. You don’t necessarily do this each and every day. I do. You do what you do every day. I do not. You’re an expert in your field. This is what I do. I want to bring that to you. I want to be on your team and be your teammate. Let me help you. I’m Mike Harris, President and CEO of United Mortgage Corporation of America. We close loans in California, Colorado, Montana, Texas, and the state of Washington.

You can go to our website at YourRealEstateLife.com for the program. You can go to United4Loans.com for our company site. You can get started there. You can call (888) 543-3980. Your time is valuable. I got it. You may not be here for the whole program but you have the proper information so you can eliminate debt or be ready for your home purchase, whether you’re moving up or down, moving sideways, buying commercial, or doing construction. Maybe you’re adding an ADU. I am here to help. (888) 543-3980.

Employment Numbers

The employment numbers came out. We saw March 2023 nonfarm payrolls, 236,000 versus estimates of 240,000. February 2023 was revised. It went up 15,000 from 311,000 to 326,000 but January 2023 went down 32,000 from 504,000 to 472,000. We have a rolling average of about 345,000. Average hourly earnings went up a whopping $0.09. We had a month-over-month stay stable. Year-over-year was 4.2%, estimated at 4.3%, below the 4.6% in February 2023. Labor force participation was at 62.6%, an increase from 62.5% in February 2023.

The headline number is 3.5% on the unemployment number versus 3.6%. We had the under-employment rate drop to 6.7%. That’s what they anticipated it to be. We have had a mixed review on that. On the surface, it is a little better than expected but some of the underlying numbers are showing that we are looking at a slower economy. We have had Fed moves back in February and March 2023. We’re anticipating one on May 3rd, 2023.

There’s about a 50%-some-odd or a 54% chance that we’re looking at a quarter-percent move on May 3rd, 2023. The idea is we don’t do May 3rd, 2023 but we add in the one on June 14th, 2023. It’s a six-week span between meetings. Do we hesitate and then start? Do we do it and then stop? I’m in the camp that we may see that additional quarter on May 3rd, 2023. The issue there is we’re looking at some of the banks, not necessarily all the perfect name banks but some of these banks that have percentages in long-term investment and various treasuries that get a little bit dicier.

That’s a problem perhaps but it’s not as bad as what has already occurred. We have a lot of people still worried about that. May 3rd, 2023 is our next Fed meeting. We have the prime rate at 8%. If you have an equity line of credit, prime, prime plus one, and prime plus two, you’re sitting at 9% to 10%. Although expensive, it is simple interest, which means it’s level of interest payments. That level of interest payment is better than some of the early amounts that you’re paying on your amortized debt.

YREL 408 | Bad News
Bad News: Level interest payment is better than some of the early amounts you are paying on your amortized debt.


We can go over that. We can go over the numbers. I like numbers. I put them in the middle of my desk. You may not. You may put them off the left or right. I put them in the middle of mine. We will go over your equity line, first mortgage, and current debt and obligations, and look to configure them in a way that is best for you and your family. Stay tuned for the next segment. We have Marisha Charbonnet coming on board.

Many people are seeking advice and information on how to eliminate early interest on an amortized loan so they can get to the meat of that loan, get rid of that principle, and retire that debt sooner. I want to show you how you, without changing your lifestyle, could lower your obligations and eliminate debt within a third or half the time. In some cases, it’s even better.

In my current mortgage and debt, I am utilizing the same opportunity. I’m down to under 10 years and I have a mortgage that has over 26 years remaining. Let me show you how. I want to send you a couple of links to take a look at. I want to help you. We’re helping seniors. Seniors are being helped eliminate debt and obligations. It’s not only the reverse mortgage. It works in conjunction with a reverse mortgage as well. We have seniors calling about reverse mortgages all the time. Later in the program, we will go over that a little bit further but I want to go to Marisha Charbonnet. She has been waiting patiently to talk to you about estate planning. Marisha, what do you have for us?

How Children Can Create Estate Plans

Mike, thank you for having me on your show. As someone with expertise in reverse mortgages, like me, you frequently find yourself working with seniors and often their children who are transitioning into having a more active role in assisting their parents as they age. I wanted to share a few tips for children who are helping their parents navigate the creation of an estate plan.

As an initial matter, it can be difficult to even raise the subject of a will or trust with a parent. Sometimes a good opening to that conversation can be to tell your parent that you are thinking about creating an estate plan and want to know if they have done that and can recommend an attorney. While kids can help their parents research estate planning attorneys, it is always best for the parent to be the one reaching out to the lawyer and making the appointment.

Since it is the parent who will be the client, attorneys are always cautious when getting calls from children who want to set up appointments for their parents. For every 10 well-meaning and helpful kids, there is always 1 child who has self-serving motivations and may be pressuring the parent for the child’s gain. Attorneys are sensitive to that possibility and have an obligation to protect their clients.

Additionally, while children may need to bring a parent to a meeting with an attorney, the child should not be surprised or offended if the lawyer asks to meet with the parent alone. Not only does the attorney need to feel confident that the parent is expressing the parent’s wishes but having a third party present during a meeting with a lawyer can potentially waive the confidentiality that exists between an attorney and the client.

Importantly, if children start to notice that a parent is showing signs of forgetfulness or there’s a family history of dementia, it is critical to act quickly while the parent still has capacity. To create a valid will or trust, the person creating it must have mental capacity, which means that they must understand what they are doing, who their family members are, and what their assets consist of.

YREL 408 | Bad News
Bad News: If children start to notice their parents are showing signs of forgetfulness, they must act quickly and create an estate plan while they still have the capacity to do so.


All too often, I get calls from children telling me, “We need to create trust for Mom. She has been diagnosed with dementia. I need to get power of attorney because my dad is being taken advantage of by other people.” While kids want to help, they can’t create a trust or power of attorney for their parents. If the parent no longer has the capacity to create it for themselves, then it may be too late, and the child’s only remedy may be seeking a conservatorship for the parent.

A conservatorship is a court proceeding during which a judge appoints another person with legal authority to make decisions for someone who can no longer make decisions for themselves. That process can be time-consuming. It’s expensive and often frustrating for families, which is why it is so critical to encourage a parent to create an estate plan while they still have the ability to do so. Even when parents are still alive, healthy, and very self-sufficient, kids should confirm that their parents have a plan in place since accidents can happen at any time and it is much easier to have that conversation when parents are healthy than when they aren’t.

Finally, once the plan is in place, kids should be familiar with where their parents keep important documents like a will or trust, life insurance policies, and financial statements and who their parents use as advisors like CPAs and lawyers. For anyone interested in learning more about estate planning, I can be reached at (805) 496-4681 or FamilySecurityLawGroup.com.

Thank you so much, Marisha. It’s such a difficult topic sometimes to have with your parents and go over that. As a son who’s working in that direction, I’m going to be named as that individual. It’s understanding what their intentions and thoughts are and making sure it’s set up properly, and let alone as Marisha had mentioned, where things are so you understand and you’re not on a scavenger hunt.

Most Important Items

These things are part of life and you need to work on those items. Get in touch with the professional Marisha Charbonnet at Family Security Law Group. It’s very important. We’re talking about important items to you each and every day. You work hard every day to earn income or set up your income during your lifespan to retire or have income coming in. The goal is to retain and have that money as long as you do need it but also, if we can eliminate items and gain more monthly discretionary income at the end of the day, that is our goal.

Whether it’s buying the right home and being affordable or making sure you’re pre-approved, long-term affordability is one thing. If you’re renting, you’re paying too much. Your landlord loves you. You don’t need that kind of love in your life. If you own a home, you may have a great interest rate but believe it or not, your lender loves you because you’re paying them a lot of interest on the front side of your loan.

I give you that challenge. Pull up your mortgage statement or the statement that you still get in the mail. You tell me how much interest is going out toward that monthly payment. Is your principal higher than the interest that you’re paying? If it is, you’re probably many moons on your loan but many of you are paying 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80% of your payment toward interest.

In about 21.4 years, you will be 50/50. I want to help accelerate that and retire the debt in under twelve years. Let me show you how to do that and eliminate all of the interest and money that you can save. Can you imagine if you had your 30, 28, or 24-year loan and you had it paid off under 10 years? Can you imagine what you would do with the additional 10, 12, or 14 years of payments that you’re not making any longer, let alone that you paid off all your other debt?

You have your normal monthly expenses, insurance items, and other things that you normally would pay but you have much more discretionary income. If you had that mortgage payment and you even put it away at 1%, that could be worth hundreds, even up to $1 million or more to your financial security. It’s either pay them or pay you. I would rather have you pay yourself, invest in yourself, and be the bank.

YREL 408 | Bad News
Bad News: If you have mortgage payment and put away that 1%, it could still be worth hundreds or even millions to your financial security. You can actually invest in yourself and be the bank.


The banks and insurance companies love you doing the loan, paying through cycles, and then perhaps 5 to 7 to 10 years in getting a new loan or selling and buying another because you start that interest cycle. As a lender, I provide the necessary tools for you to leverage to buy a home. That’s what’s available but it’s my goal and idea to help you tackle that debt in the most expedient and efficient way possible.

I want to change lending one home and one family at a time. I want to be there for your journey, understanding your journey, and affording your journey all the way through. If you own a home, you’re happy with your first and maybe a second as well. You’re happy with what you got but you make a monthly payment. Let me evaluate how fast I can eliminate that debt for you at Radio@United4Loans.com or (888) 543-3980.

I mentioned that we have seen interest rates come back down a bit. We’re getting people close and saving some money. We’re getting loans done at a lower cost to be ready for a better rate in the future. Marry the home, date the rate, and divorce the debt. We’re making sure that we can get you the right loan for the right time and then look to make that decision later to save more, not money and more costs. We’re doing a net-tangible benefit. We’re making sure it’s right.

I spend your money the way I spend mine, sparingly. I want value for my money and so should you. Don’t make quick decisions that you will regret later. Let’s do an analysis together on where you are with incoming and outgoing items. It’s junk in and junk out. We want to make sure the right stuff is there so we have the right output coming back to you. I want to know what we can do to eliminate your obligations and debt much more efficiently than you are.

Do not make quick financial decision you will regret. With the right assistance and advice, you can make sure the right stuff is in your accounts and the right output is coming back to you. Click To Tweet

A perfect financial GPS program is right there for your taking. I want to run your numbers and I will do that with no obligation and no cost to you. The only obligation you have is a conversation. We share a screen and go through the items. I want to send you a few links for you to review. Email me at Radio@United4Loans.com. I can send you that information so you can view the opportunity. It is that easy. We have had so many people go, “Why didn’t I know about this sooner?” Sooner is now.

(888) 543-3980. If you don’t speak to the team live, let them know, or let me know via voicemail, “I want to get the information you talked about on the program.” I want to have your email. I want to have a phone number and a name. That’s great and I’ll get that out to you. We don’t sell your information to anyone. That’s not what we do. Your information stops here. It’s for your advantage or informational purposes. I want to help you.

We saw the 10-Year Treasury Note end at about 3.40% after hitting a high of 3.2%. We have the FOMC meeting coming up on May 3rd, 2023. Are we going to get 25% percent there? Is it going to be pushed off to the June 2023 meeting? We will see. We saw the 10-Year Treasury better by eight basis points. We saw mortgage-backed securities down by 22 basis points. We’re a little off but we’re still holding rates where we are.

You saw the Dow at 211 points, the NASDAQ down to 134, and the S&P minus 4. We saw a little bit of movement there. Bitcoin, as a notion of thought, was down 538. We have seen a lot of movement there. Some people are throwing money there for security purposes with what was happening with the banks. That’s a little bit mixed. You’ve been hurt once. You’re going to get hurt twice. Make sure you talk to your professional about that and understand where you’re navigating the waters in doing so. Be careful.

Reverse Mortgages

A couple of the lenders, one in particular, are doing Bitcoin for lending and stuff and using that for down payments. It’s very controversial but we will see how that all plays out. The bottom line is we are doing forward and reverse mortgages as well. We do that reverse. We have some individuals and seniors. I have a couple. They have been married for years, 93 and 96 years of age. What we’re doing is they still have a first mortgage. We’re going to eliminate the first mortgage and the payments. We’re going to eliminate a second mortgage payment, which they have on a rental property.

They have two mortgages. We’re going to eliminate those monthly expenses, clean them up, and get that reverse done. We’re going to do it as low-cost as possible and clear out and clean up the estate a bit. Eventually, if something does occur down the line, the state has some time to get that rectified or either sell that property but, in the meantime, we’re going to eliminate those monthly outlays, which is going to allow them to then utilize that for other expenses that they’re needing that to occur.

I have another individual who’s in their 80s. We have two in their 70s and one in their late 50s. You only need to be 55 years of age to go and look at a reverse mortgage. We are looking at the equity position. We’re running the actuarial tables, all the fun stuff, and the algorithms to come up with what we can do and how much money is available based on the price of the home. We’re running all that. We have them going through their education and getting their certificate. On day eight, we’re ordering up all the other services.

We have another that’s doing something in between. They’re doing an offshoot of a reverse by paying partial payments and then converting back to a reverse in ten years because the equity position wasn’t as great as it needed to be. They have to participate with a smaller monthly payment than they pay now. That made sense for them. We’re moving forward on that reverse product as well. We have a number of those happening.

If you’re 55 years of age and older, you have equity in your home and you’re looking to perhaps eliminate the necessity of making that mortgage payment. You still pay taxes and insurance in any HOA but we can talk about what we can do to perhaps pay off the first and then be ready to have a line of credit or money available afterward. We want to make sure you’re protecting your current assets and investments that you want to touch or not touch, depending on how we look at those numbers and talk to your financial expert or your camp because you want to have those experts understand what it is you’re thinking of doing.

We have two individuals who are meeting with their financial consultations and then coming back to us. We’re getting all together on the same roadmap. We have many individuals. We have done reverse mortgages in the millions that are out there to help alleviate and utilize that money for more appropriate items that they want to do. It sounds like a lot of stuff but your individual case is different for you. I want to talk to you. I want to know your equity position, how much you owe, and what we can do to get you in a better position and situation.

We have been talking about credit card debt, student loans, car payments, all these items that people have, and personal loans, whether you have tax liens or you have owed taxes, and you’re not sure where that’s coming from. I want to go over where you stand and see what we can do to put you in a better light. Maybe it’s credit concerns but maybe it’s not.

Maybe you have sixteen rental properties. You want to acquire a few more. I can show you how you may be able to eliminate a mortgage within four years. We have individuals who are utilizing the perfect financial GPS program for investment property and accumulation, doing that, and creating wealth. It’s infinite banking. We can help you with that concept as well.

Give us a call at (888) 543-3980. I want to talk to you about your real estate life. I want to talk to you about the makeup of your current finances and show you how you can eliminate upfront interest sooner and start attacking the debt. You contracted for the debt. I’m not looking to do anything with debt settlement, consolidations, and all this fun stuff, eliminate items, and have your credit go awry. Your credit is going to improve. I’m not looking to negotiate things off that you contracted out.

We have individuals all the time who say, “We will eliminate.” What did I buy for you? That’s how I look at it. You’re wiping off something that was a debt that you had. You still have the goods and services that you paid for that. I’m not going to get into all that. Some of those goods and services are life necessities and what have you but for some of you, it’s not.

I want to do the right thing by eliminating interest. You contracted for the debt but the interest wasn’t written in stone. You have the ability to prepay, knock that out sooner, and eliminate the term. I want to show you how to do that with your money. I want to show you how you can spend your money more effectively and with the right timing to accumulate wealth. It’s Radio@United4Loans.com or (888) 543-3980.

YREL 408 | Bad News
Bad News: You contracted for the debt, but the interest wasn’t written in stone.


A Full Calendar

My calendar personally gets filled pretty quickly. I do have time to work and speak with pretty much everyone. I make the time. That’s my commitment to you but I would like you to get on my calendar, whether it’s a 15, 30, or 1-hour consultation when it comes to debt one-on-one. I want to go over that with you but I want to get you out these links initially. I want to get you out the links so that you can review a couple of minutes on a few, and then I would like to give you half of the first presentation that you can watch on your own and be a little bit further as we get into our next meeting when I can run your numbers.

I have some meetings already set. I have a few. As the calendar goes, it’s clearing up a little bit but I want to gain your appointment. I want you to review the links. Let me know if you would like to have the links at (888) 543-3980. Give me your name, number, and email. I’ll have those out to you. I don’t hesitate. I go quick. I will send you the items. You will never be waiting for me. That’s how I work. I’m not going to prod at you, beat you up, or push and twist your arm. It’s entirely up to you to save money. That’s your choice but I will show you the results.

I’m in my 36th year in 2023 in the mortgage industry. I’ve been doing a lot of the stuff regarding debt elimination and creating wealth. I’ve been doing that as we have had a growing amount of record debt in our society. I’ve been reaching out to those who don’t own real estate, those who own real estate, and those who are additionally trying to create wealth. I’m showing a better path.

I was on a path where I was working my numbers. I love numbers. That’s what I do. I was able to gain maybe an extra 3 to 4 years by utilizing this opportunity. Those 3 or 4 years are saving me an additional $40,000-plus. Why would I not use something that’s saving me that much more money? That is what I would like to do for you. That’s (888) 543-3980. I want to make a difference in your real estate life and your finances.

A Young Couple’s Story

We had a young couple that had a baby. He was maximizing his money into his 401(k) but I told him he’s going to have a lot of other things coming up over the term with the young child and maybe another one in the future. I wanted to make sure he was looking at what he had. He was looking at a first already. He had a second mortgage already. He already had some credit card debts. He’s trying to live thinly for the 401(k) money that he’s putting in but I need to show him how to attack that debt.

I want to attack the debt to put him in a better situation because he still has time to accumulate money in retirement. Based on this opportunity of him saving money, would you believe he knew a lot of people who may benefit by eliminating debt as well? He was very excited about the concept. I said, “You can refer. I can give you extra discretionary income, plus you can open up a Schedule C on your tax return and you will have additional expenses.” It became a tax question. He talked to his tax advisor. They go, “We can eliminate this and increase this.” It opened up the door.

Let me open up your door to what is possible. You can verify at (888) 543-3980. We’re going to look at the inflationary numbers coming out, the Consumer Price Index, and further signs of cooling down. The index hit 9% back in June ’22. It has fallen to 6%. It’s still historically high. We also have the wholesale inflation from the Producer Price Index. It’s going to be released along with the key gauge of consumer spending and retail sales. That’s going to start. That’s the Consumer Price Index. We’re going to be looking at jobless claims, Producer Price Index, and retail sales. A lot of this stuff will happen as we go. We’re going to keep an eye on that and see the signs of where we are going.

The Upcoming Week

I’m watching that. If you go to our website at YourRealEstateLife.com or United4Loans.com, there’s a barometer on the page. Any given day as the market is open, it’s going to show you the direction of where interest rates are for that day and when economic news comes out. You will see a gyrate wherever it’s heading but you will also see an accounting on YourRealEstateLife.com to where the market is to the mortgage-backed securities. That’s the key. It’s mortgage-backed securities price loans. I’m not as excited about walking into a loan at this present time. We have seen interest rates come back down.

My job is to watch these interest rates, babysit this market, and understand the timing to make sure you’re making the right decision at the right time. You’re shopping alone. You’re talking to somebody who can give you the right information and education and know they’re on their game. That’s what you should be shopping for. Somebody can quote you a high-interest rate and that makes a difference. That’s why you want to talk to a few different people but you want to make sure you’re getting the right answer and not someone visiting the job that day.

Watch out for interest rates to make sure you are making the right financial decision at the right time. Click To Tweet

I’m here. I’ve been doing this for many years. I want to be on your team and help you with one of the largest decisions you will ever make, whether you’re buying your first home or second home, moving up, moving down, or buying an investment property or second home, whether it’s construction loans or commercial. I want to make sure you have the right information so you can make the right decision.

We’re finding so many other factors coming into play and many things that are going on but I want you to make sure you have the right information. Go to our website at YourRealEstateLife.com or United4Loans.com. Remember, I mentioned the CalHFA, the Dream loan that came out on March 6th, 2023. A month later, they’re out of funds. That’s gone. There’s no 20% anymore. Coming from that, we’re helping people increase their credit scores to decrease the cost of loans.

We still have ITIN financing or taxpayer-identification loans for those who do not have a social and who have a taxpayer ID. We have the capability to lend as little as 11% down. If you have individuals who have a taxpayer ID but do not have a social, we can get financing for them. Let us help and guide you through. If you’re a real estate agent, realtor, CPA, tax preparer, or insurance agent, I want to help you increase your business by decreasing the obligations of your clients. Let me show you how the financial GPS works and how it could be an asset to your company in doing what you do. That’s (888) 543-3980. Where did the time go? We’re already done but I’ll be back with another exciting program. What kind of loan do you have?


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