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Safe Haven Trade, Inflation, And Another Fed Pause

  • October 14, 2023
  • realestatelife
  • Podcast

Your Real Estate Life - Michael Harris | Retiring Debt


Your real estate life isn’t always about your rate. It’s about where you’re paying it and how it’s set up. In this episode, Michael Harris talks about how to build a better path to retiring your debt sooner. Michael can give you the ability to save money and pay it off sooner. So join him in this insightful episode and retire your debt sooner rather than later.

Listen to the podcast here


Safe Haven Trade, Inflation, And Another Fed Pause

It’s the middle of October 2023. Where does the time go? I’m having fun getting things going and helping people save money. We’ve been helping people lower their interest volume, churning up their frequency, and decreasing their interest volume without changing their life and lifestyle. They’re doing everything they’re doing now, but they’re doing it in a different way to create a better outcome. I am here to talk to you about your real estate life. We’re helping you save money. We are here to help guide you through better decisions when it comes to your finances. We have individuals like you. Maybe they have a rate of 2%, 3%, or 4%. “I don’t need to hear this. I’m not refinancing and purchasing. We’re fine.” Take a look at that mortgage statement. Can you? Maybe it’s not right in front of you. You look online.

I want you to understand your monthly mortgage payment. How much of a percentage is interest? How much of a percentage is principal? Most of you are paying more interest than principal because your loan is skewed higher in the earlier years and months. I want to help create an equal number and then scale it the other way so you’re paying less interest and retiring that debt sooner. Money solves the problem. You have a lot of money. You dump it in, and you pay it off sooner, or you can pay a little bit every month, but you’re not hitting the bullseye. You’re not doing what’s perfect based on your discretion or money left over each and every single month that could be applied better or positioned better to earn a better return to allow that to happen.

You’re not necessarily timing your bills perfectly. We had individuals who were paying their mortgage payments before the first of the month instead of paying on the 15th of the month. That additional in the market is a 5% return on your money. There’s a lot of money at the end of the year. You may be able to pay that phone bill. That is a gross part of the grocery bill. I say part because you go in for a sack of groceries. You walk out with sometimes $100 less, but it can make a difference, and that’s what it’s all about. It’s not leaking money out one side without replenishing it the other way, without you taking another gig job, another side job, or trying to figure out what to do altogether. Call (888) 543-3980.

I talked about the new 2024 loan limits. They’re not out yet. We have our investors taking $750,000. Instead of the lower $726,200, it goes up on the 2-unit, 3-unit, and 4-unit properties. The four-unit property’s up to $1,442,000 on the high limit. In high-balance areas, it can go over $2 million. If you have a need for refinancing or purchasing and meeting the new criteria that are being accepted, let me know. I’ll give you those numbers. We’ll go work out those details and figure out if it makes sense for you. We are still doing home equity lines of credit. Those home equity lines of credit are interest only as they start for ten years. Because of that, that is your interest. It’s not amortized. It’s interest only. You can pay as much towards your principal as you’d like, but your rate is that rate.

Let’s say that rate was 13%. You are paying 13%, but if you have a 3% mortgage on your first, take a look at your interest volume. It’s about 60% or higher. Imagine, as you close, it’s 7.5% or 6.5%. Your interest volume could be as high as in the 80%. You’re paying over 80% interest when you think you’re paying 3% or 6.5%. It’s a question of how the loan is set up and where you’re making that payment as to where it’s hitting you harder. I want to help put that in perspective based on your timing, what it is, and your plans going forward. That’s another level of planning when it comes to your real estate life. It’s not all about the rate. It’s about where you’re paying it and how it’s set up. Call (888) 543-3980.

When it comes to your real estate life, it's not all about the rate. It's about where you're paying it and how it's set up. Click To Tweet

Financial GPS

We had a busy program. A lot of people talked to us after the Monday holiday. The bond market was closed, but we had a lot of activity during the week. We had individuals who were not at work. Our Monday appointment schedule got heavy. A lot of people were saving money by utilizing our perfect financial GPS opportunity. That’s what I’d like to share with you. Make sure that you’re available for a Tuesday night webinar at 6:00 PM. You can email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. If you cannot attend 6:00 PM on Tuesday, send me the email, and let’s find a time that’s right for you, one-on-one.

We get a lot of calls. A lot of times, it’s about saving money on credit cards and wondering what to do, “How do I handle this?” especially going into the holidays. It is not about, “Let’s pay them so you can go use them again. We have room.” No, that’s not what we’re looking to do. We want to build a better mousetrap. We want to get a better direction and better understanding of money and usage.

Credit Card

A lot of our best clients are utilizing an opportunity to eliminate one credit card or multiple credit cards at a time, depending upon the perfect dynamics of the GPS program. It’s giving the best answers and the best ability. If you free up a credit card, I want you to use that credit card a little bit differently. What is your gas bill, your electric bill, your water bill, and all your household items? Generally, that’s not going to be huge, but it’s going to be a decent number.

I want you to utilize a credit card. Instead of paying those from your checking account or savings account, I want you to pay that on that one credit card, your gas, electric, water, power, and phone bill. Whatever that total is, $1,000 or $2,000, it goes on that credit card during the month in your payment cycle. You were going to pay those items directly from your checking, and the money had been there. You’re going to borrow that money at no interest during your interest cycle because you’re using a card that has a zero balance.

I want to get you to the position where you are the bank. You’re utilizing other people’s money for a 30-day cycle for you to wipe it out monthly and get points more than likely from the credit card that you’re using of choice, whether it’s travel or 1.5%, 2%, or 3%, whatever the thing is, are special at 5% by using this for that. We can go into those details depending on your favorite banking institution or credit card offer. If you can use their money for free for 30 days and pay your utilities by paying off your credit card on the utilities that already got paid, you gain that money and that timing for longer. That’s only one trick. There are many others coming, but I’m going to give you the treat. We’re in Halloween time. That’s a trick for your benefit. I’m making sure you’re coming out ahead. Let’s do this together.

I want you to become the bank. I want you to be in control of your money. It’s the people who brag and say, “I got a refund. I got the tax refund. This is awesome. Thank you very much for lending us the money for the full year with no interest.” No, that’s not what you want. It means you were not able to control your spending habits appropriately to use them to your advantage to eliminate interest.

I like to show you a better way. It does take a little bit of time for you to understand and utilize these principles, but when you have a perfect financial GPS at your disposal, it tells you exactly what you do, do need to do, and when to do it, and it shows you the repercussions if you didn’t. It’s a perfect opportunity for you to organize these items and have both spouses able to log in and take a look at these items and be protected because your name and account numbers aren’t even there. No one accesses your money. You have to put both hands on the steering wheel.

Your Real Estate Life - Michael Harris | Retiring Debt
Retiring Debt: When you have a perfect Financial GPS at your disposal, it tells you exactly what you need to do and when to do it.


You’re still ACHing, making payments, and designating where the money is coming from in your opportunity. Let’s say the gas bill’s there, and you normally pay from your checking, but let’s say you adopt the idea that I mentioned. It’s going to this credit card. This opportunity is going to keep track. At the end of every week, day, month, and hour, it’s going to understand what’s being done, update those items, and make these decisions and recommendations all the way through going out 90 days and further in the future. There’s a lot better than what you could do with that spreadsheet. Call (888) 543-3980.

Imagine that idea. You take your gas, electric, water, power, and all your household items, whatever they add up to $1,000 or $2,000. You charge them on that credit card that had zero balance, and you’re not paying any interest. The cycle ends at the end of a month, and you get the bill. That’s the same bills that you were paying out of your checking account, either by writing a check or having ACH out of it when those bills were due. You’re paying it in one location instead of writing all those checks. Why not look at that as an opportunity to borrow someone else’s money for 30 days or so and pay no interest? Let’s explore this. Call (888) 543-3980. That’s only one item that can help you with your finances and retire your debt sooner.

There are items with simple interest and home equity lines of credit. There are directional ways with estate and financial planning through insurance with items there where you become the bank. You can borrow from your own. You’re making that difference in arbitrage or differential. What you have the ability to do is create income. You’re creating wealth at the same time, you’re retiring debt. It sounds too good to be true, but it’s possible. That’s what a lot of people are doing. Why aren’t you? Let’s discuss it again.

One is not needed to do the other. If you have a checking and a savings account, I want to talk to you. If you have a checking account, forget the savings account. If you have monthly obligations, bills, and items, and you want to get ahead of them and come up with a better way, let’s talk. No obligation consultation. You can set that up right on my site. I can send you an email. You can go to the calendar. You can go ahead and schedule. Let’s get a one-hour booking. I want to know more about your real estate life and your holdings.

I say your real estate life. I have individuals we’re helping who don’t even own real estate. They have student loans, car payments, and credit cards. We’re taking fifteen years down to three years. I want to show you a better way. Call (888) 543-3980. It truly is that easy. It’s as simple as a phone call. I’m opening your mind up to a new thought and a new direction on what you need to know and what you didn’t know and applying it for a better future.

Let’s change the direction of your sail because all you’re doing right now is fighting the wind. Let’s make sure you have the best item and the best result. We can’t change what’s happened, but we can start now, move forward, and create a better path. Call (888) 543-3980. We’ve been able to help individuals, but those individuals have also known individuals, friends, family, and coworkers who are also struggling. We’ve been able to branch out and talk to many of those individuals and move forward and help them. It’s about helping others during this difficult time.

Let's change the direction of your sale because all you're doing right now is fighting the wind. Let's make sure you have the best item with the best result. Click To Tweet

Debt Service Coverage Ratio Loans

For some of you who are expanding your holdings, gaining more property and real estate, and looking for ways to create more wealth and be in a better position for a legacy for your family, we’re doing that also. Whether you’re starting or you’re continuing and looking for a better way, we can do that. Lending plays a role, but sometimes it doesn’t. We are doing DSCR loans and debt service coverage ratio loans for investors and first-time investors. We have ITIN financing for those who have private loans and do not have social security but have an ITIN number. We’re able to help with that. We are doing FHA, VA loans, conventional loans, and jumbo loans. We’re doing loans for self-employed individuals, bank statements for 3, 6, 12, and 24 months, cashflow loans, and asset depletion loans. All the different loans are out there and available, like construction and commercial. We can help and assist, but it is understanding what you have, what your need is, and what your want is.

If you’re not looking for financing, that’s great. Sometimes, when you’re not looking, maybe you should protect what you have if you have the ability to get a line of credit because when you need it, you can’t get it. When you don’t want it, it is when you can gain it. Let’s talk about what’s possible, but let’s talk about what you’re doing and your target date for being debt-free. If you have a mortgage with 24, 26, or 28 years left, I want to show you how I can knock it down to a third or half the time.

I said it a few different times. I’ll say it here. If there was a program to eliminate most of the interest in your life, pay off your debts, personal and or business, and even your mortgage in as little as one-third or half the normal time without refinancing and changing your lifestyle, no pork and beans here, would you want to learn more? It’s that simple. It’s understanding and learning more with no obligation. You can see a direction that may work best for you.

You have possibly your item there telling you directions and where traffic is, and trying to get you the best result to get to your destination. It’s always a game. Can I beat it by a minute? Can I beat it by then? Don’t speed. You’re looking to get to your destination. Most of us are counting on that now, and we look at the timing. We know when to leave, what our timing is to get there, and the best route to take. Sometimes, that route is not the best route, but it’s the fastest route. We’re going to get you both. We’re looking to do that with your finances.

When you were a kid, or maybe you remember this yourself as an adult, but back in the days when you had the maps, and you took them out of your glove compartment, and even you used MapQuest, and you had your destination, you’re going down this two-lane highway. Here in California, there are only a few spots where that would happen, and in the desert and some other areas, but you’re going down this two-lane highway, and it’s 50 miles to get to the next place with no turnoffs.

You either go straight or do a U-turn. There are no turnoffs. You get to mile 46 and 47. The bridge is out. No one told you. You have to do a U-turn and go back the 40-some-odd miles to go another direction because there’s no other way around it. Those of you have a 4×4 telling them you’re going through the desert and the sand. The bridge isn’t holding you up. There’s always an answer.

If you had to go back the other way, wouldn’t it have been nice to know and have that information so you could not have taken that additional time when you thought you were being efficient? I want to give you that with your finances. There’s no would have, could have, should have. I’m approached a lot, “I got a home loan. I haven’t heard from you until now, but I got this home loan. Is this a good loan? Did I do good?” What am I going to tell you? No, you did terrible. I could have done better. I could have saved you thousands. I don’t want to do that, but yes, there was room, but you did a good job. Let’s now tackle that early interest and do better. Let’s talk.

I’m about to go forward. I can’t change the past, but I can give you a better path going forward. Let’s do that. If you’re in the decision area process, I may be able to help you with a different direction that may make sense, whether I’m the one writing the loan or the other individual where you started is completing it, but you have more information. It’s about education and information.

United Mortgage Corporation of America was approved to lend in five states, California, Colorado, Texas, Montana, and the State of Washington. In 30-plus other states, I can do what’s called DSCR or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans. I can close commercial loans. We’re doing loans in various states, commercial related and also investment property related. I close the loans in five states.

If you’re closing a loan in a state that I’m not approved, I will look for that professional. If you’re working with someone already and you want someone to evaluate your loan disclosure or even your closing disclosure prior to the close, I can look at that and tell you what my opinion is. Not being licensed there, but now you have an opinion because those items don’t change from state to state. I can tell you what to look for, what I see, what you can do, and what you should bring up. I’ll be that little guy sitting on the shoulder there and helping you out.

Your Real Estate Life - Michael Harris | Retiring Debt
Retiring Debt: If you’re closing alone in a state where Michael Harris is not approved, he will look for the right professional.


It’s a friendly consumer advice. I’d love to do that for you. We do that each and every week. We look at the disclosures from multiple states, and we’re helping people save money. I can save you $100,000, $200,000, $1,000, $2,000, and $10,000. I’ve seen it because we’re looking at something and bringing it up. All of a sudden, you get a new one, and it’s lower. You save money, but if you didn’t say anything, you were spending all that money. For some of these I look at, I had to shudder. You should be sitting at the head of the table. They should be serving you the biggest first choice of the beef and the whole fun stuff for what you’re paying and what you’re not seeing. I don’t want that to be you. Call (888) 543-3980.

We have the Empire State Manufacturing Survey coming out for October 2023. On Tuesday, the 17th, 2023, we have US retail sales minus autos, industrial production capacity, utilization, business inventories, and homebuilder confidence. We’re going to see how the supply chain’s going and what things are happening in buyers, whether they’re first-time home buyers or move-up buyers. We’ll see how that all goes. A lot of builders are incentivizing purchases. As we’re doing, I’m still offering the ability for $400 for every $100,000. If you have a $1 million loan, I’m looking to give you $4,000 towards closing. I know, in perspective, that doesn’t sound like a lot, but the best we can do is subsidize that from our side, $2,000 on $500,000.

As we go to the calendar on Wednesday the 18th, we have housing starts, building permits, and what is called the Fed Beige Book. Region by region, we’re going into what’s going on. On Thursday, on the 19th, we have initial jobless claims. Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey, existing home sales, US leading economic indicators, and Friday the 20th, nothing is scheduled, but a lot always happens each and every day. We watch the market gyrate depending upon global issues, but also issues going on right here in front of our noses on our side of the pond.

We watch these and move with them depending on where our client’s needs are getting started and looking to close. We’re looking and starting a few transactional deals, whether FHA, VA or a couple of conventional loans. We have some refinancing going on. We have commercial transactions. Where are you, and where are your thoughts as year end comes?

If it’s not doing a real estate purchase and it’s not looking for home improvement, it’s consolidating some of those credit cards. Take a look at the interest you’re paying on those, and let’s see what we can do, whether it’s consolidating at a cost that’s making sense or adopting this perfect financial GPS pending on your cashflow. We have to improve the cashflow in order to make it even more efficient.

Your Real Estate Life - Michael Harris | Retiring Debt
Retiring Debt: We should improve the cash flow to make it even more efficient.


These are the things that we can run the analysis and have an understanding of at no cost to get that blueprint for you going forward. Even then, it’s not something you have to go forward with, but sometimes, it only makes sense based on the numbers. When an opportunity arises where you can reduce your obligations a third or half the time without changing your lifestyle and not jeopardizing credit but improving credit, why wouldn’t you explore that option?

Call (888) 543-3980. Email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. When you do that, you have an option to say, “I’d like to take a look. I’d like to join your Tuesday night webinar at 6:00 PM.” You don’t have to put your camera on. You don’t have to be talking. It will be a bunch of individuals on there listening to a presentation by one of my colleagues that night. I’ll be there, but one of my colleagues will give you a great presentation. Get back to the person who invited you, which is me.

What I want you to do by emailing me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com is I want to give you access to that meeting. If you cannot come at 6:00 PM, send me an email and let me know if 6:00 PM doesn’t work for you. Let’s get a calendar time that works for you. I’ll place you on my personal calendar. We’ll have a one-on-one conversation. We’ll go ahead and see what we can do and see what makes sense. My goal for a first meeting with you is to make sure it makes sense to have a second meeting with you because I want this to be worth your time and money, and that’s having you have a better future.

We have a lot of people reading each and every weekend. Many of you are reading and have decided to call during the week. Whether it’s a Monday through Friday, feel free to call on the weekend. I’m available because I want to help serve you. I want to make sure you have the information you need to make the right decision. Even a decision that’s not happening now, maybe it’s happening in 2024. Maybe you’re trying to position things to allow yourself to make a decision.

Let’s talk a little bit more about what you’re doing and create a better path going forward. Let’s get that perfect GPS idea and get you your destination and your goal sooner, whether it’s protecting your family on an item that’s not affordable or reallocating obligations in debt. We have individuals that we’re showing how they can save $100, 200, $300, and $400 by utilizing different principles of money and numbers to have a better path and utilizing the money left over each and every month for a better outcome. It’s not hard. It’s never been shown to you before.

Let's create a better path forward. Let's get that perfect Financial GPS and get to your destination and goal sooner. Click To Tweet

Sometimes, many individuals believe, “I can do this. I can throw this. I can do that.” It’s the discipline to do it every month and do it during the month and knowing when to do it each month and how much every month to the penny. I want to give you the tools that are going to show you that and save you many more dollars than you ever could yourself. I give the scenario. It’s myself. I’ve been in the money arena for many years. I’m in my 37th year in lending in 2023. I’ve been doing it a long time, several years now, on the radio. I’m good with numbers. I love them. They’re in the middle of my desk. I tackle them. I don’t push them off to the left or the right like many or off the desk. I take care of business, and I take care of it as it’s in front of me. I do that for you. I’m never too busy to work or speak with you.

The bottom line is, as I tackle these numbers and I do what I’m doing, and I take 26 plus years down to 12.3, I’m patting myself on the back. I’m doing darn good. How are you doing that? That’s what I do. It’s not a perfect GPS program with algorithms and lines of code and spending millions upon millions to design and do. It is what I’d like to discuss with you about.

It was taking me down to 7.9 years. That 4.4 years that I wasn’t getting. If you took my obligations and, let’s say, there were $3,000 a month. Three times 12 is 36, and 36 times 2 is 72. Double that is $144,000. I was leaving on the table, let alone still having a principal balance, but I was paying interest. That’s $144,000 to combine principle and interest, and looking at the interest’s design, I didn’t go back and compute that. I don’t have that in front of me, but I’m looking at six figures. I’m leaving a lot of money on the table with the wrong timing. I want that money back.

That’s what I did. I made the decision. I moved forward. Why wouldn’t you take a look at the ability to save money and pay off items sooner? There’s no obligation. I’m not going to solicit you. I’m not going to sell your information to somebody else. That buck stops with me. The bottom line is I’m giving you the ability to review a partial presentation on your own if you’d like, without even having to set a time with me and having you take a look at three other links. One of them will be a demonstration of the program. It’s an opportunity. If it piques your interest, I’m looking to talk to you and set up a time to go over what your why and what your needs are going forward.

We can discuss it and decide if a second meeting makes sense so we can run your numbers. I’m going to give you a homework assignment. I do need to know the ins and outs of your monthly expenses, gas, electric, water, power, grocery, and all the items that you spend on a monthly basis and the income that comes in. Unlike a loan, it could be other income that could not be counted on a loan. It could be that overtime or a bonus. It could be the money coming from a relative. It could be a border or an item that’s in the home. We can use all the money that is coming in and their frequency to work in the opportunity to understand when the money comes in and what money needs to come out. Knowing those dates limits on credit cards and balances.

All good information because the more accurate the information, the more accurate the result. I want to make sure I’m giving you the correct information. That would be in our meeting number two. If we get through that meeting and understand, and you see the savings, and it makes sense to you, we’ll talk about a decision to get started. If not, maybe we have a third meeting. I would love to have both decision-makers. If it’s one decision-maker, that’s fine.

Your Real Estate Life - Michael Harris | Retiring Debt
Retiring Debt: The more accurate information, the more accurate the result. Let’s make sure you get the correct information.


Make sure each person is involved because this opportunity allows anyone there who has access to log in from your side to see everything that’s going on where everything’s now not yellow stickies all over the place and waiting for a statement that now is not there because they say, “You can get it online.” What are you going to do? If you’re old-fashioned, you want to print it. If you’re not, you don’t care, and you don’t keep it. Who knows?

All of your items and obligations will be in one spot so you can move forward, and this will be your new accounting item. If anyone were to hack and get your code, nothing could be gained because they have no account numbers and access to the money and accounts. It’s a sophisticated financial program. It’s that easy. It truly is. It’s saved marriages because one can see what’s going on and understand it. It also has been probably a problem for some marriages when some people are hiding things. Go the other way around. I’ve seen this work also when perhaps the relationship is not right, there’s a divorce proceeding going on, and one spouse understands the debt may be better than the other and is willing to take on the debt because they’re able to pay off the debt much sooner.

Call (888) 543-3980. Go to YourRealEstateLife.com and United4Loans.com, which are our company sites in order to handle home financing. We’re approved in five states, California, Colorado, Montana, Texas, and the State of Washington. In over 30 states, we’re doing what is called DSCR loans or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans. These loans are for investors, even first-time investors, based upon cashflow. When you have good rental income coming in, offsetting the taxes and insurance, that is making the difference. It’s making the ability to make that payment, and we’re able to find financing accordingly. It’s making sure we’re on the positive side of the fence. Call (888) 543-3980.

I’m looking at what we need to discuss, but I keep on going back to saving you money and spending your money like it’s mine. I spend it sparingly. I always want value for my money, and so should you. Why are you sending extra money ahead of time to somebody else? Why not take advantage of the money that’s being offered to you?

It’s not that credit card. You’re getting 0% for eighteen months, but you have to pay us 5% or 4% upfront. What you have to understand is they’re looking to get you into a spot. If you have no way to pay off that balance in eighteen months, it shoots up to God knows what. If you pay it off early because you’re smart, you paid it off in four months, all of a sudden, that eighteen months you pay it off in four months, you paid 4 or 5 times the money for the money, and you paid a big interest rate. There are ways to get you if you’re smart or you don’t have a solution. We want to watch those carefully.

Some of these are interesting, where, depending on your credit score, you can gain a new card and transfer an existing balance. There might be a promotion, but you have to get caught up in that. What we’ve been able to utilize in our perfect GPS program is programming when that money is coming due. This way, we have alternatives in place, and you’re not caught. I’ve been working with individuals as a certified field trainer working with United Financial Freedom. In doing that, we’ve been showing individuals how we’re able to take debt down faster by paying interest volume sooner. It sounds easy, but most people aren’t doing that because it’s not part of your initial bank’s plan.

You’re following what has been there, and what you’ve been doing is banking that amortization schedule, making the payments on time, and doing a great job. If you look at your mortgage statement, tell me what interest amount you’re paying as a ratio to the overall payment principle and interest, add it together, and divide the interest into that. Let me know if it’s over 50%, 60%, 70%, or 80% with these rates where they are now because you’re paying early interest until it levels out 18 to 22 years in. Once it levels out, it’s 50%.

In the back half of the loan, if you’re there at 25, 26, 27, and up to 30 years, you’re paying mostly principal because your interest has already been mostly paid. The loan starts balancing out. You may end up at 56% or 52%, but was that your real that? Was your loan at 3% or 6.5%? No, it was much higher. Money can be tricky. It’s a question of how it’s set up to be paid. We all know about the power of compounding interest, doubling the money a dollar to keep doubling it up or even a penny, and understanding how it is that I get so much money, but if I skip every other day, it’s so much less.

Your Real Estate Life - Michael Harris | Retiring Debt
Retiring Debt: Money can be very tricky. It’s a question of how it’s set up to be paid.


The power of doubling and compounding interest. Amortization works that way in your disfavor. You’re paying earlier interest to pay more principal later. We want to try to sway and even that equation out by being able to pay off your mortgage and all your obligations in as little as a third or half the time without changing your lifestyle. Let me show you it’s possible. You can consider it, and you can make a decision. Making a decision before you see it is the easy way, but is it the best way because you’re going to continue to stay on the same path? I want you to free up this money, easing the burden and not be as stressful. There’s not much I’m gaining, but you’re gaining a ton. I’m bringing this message out to you and other professionals.

If you’re in the financial area, a realtor, a lender, a CPA, an insurance provider, a business manager, or a divorce professional, and helping individuals understand the value of money when you’re splitting assets, I want to help and send you some items to take a look at to have an open mind and understanding. If and when it makes sense for you, I would like to have a meeting with you and talk professionally so you can bring this to your clients or refer your clients to allow them to have a better financial future.

Free up additional monthly monies to allow them to afford or pay for other protective services that you offer or opportunities to buy more real estate, doors, and investment opportunities. I’m talking to my colleagues, lenders, and mortgage loan originators. Have you noticed your volume’s a little bit lower than it has been over the last few years? Have you noticed that there are not as many transactions right now? Yes. What are you doing right now to talk to your existing clients, the ones that you’ve closed over the past several years? You’ve been thinking there’s not a lot I can offer them unless they’re looking to do some home improvement or consolidate some credit card debt. I’m going on a limb, but I wanted to try to see what they need. You’re soliciting them with no apparent reason other than hope.

Why not give them the ability to eliminate their debt sooner, create additional equity, and be in touch with them? Instead of paying a ton of money for marketing, have that marketing pay you. Why not give your clients the opportunity to save thousands of dollars and years of their liabilities and create additional equity by taking their effective yield lower? I have been meeting with many mortgage professionals over the past months. Many of them are getting started. Many of them are talking to their current database.

Give them the ability to eliminate their debt sooner, create additional equity, and be in touch with them instead of paying for marketing. Click To Tweet

It’s led to them getting more loans that they’ve been able to close because they’ve been able to combine these with home equity lines of credit if appropriate. They’ve been able to do some of those. They’ve been able to rekindle a relationship that perhaps was not happening. They’ve been referred to other family members who are purchasing. They’ve been referred to places where they see a potential loan as market conditions may or may not change, but financial planning and ideas have been put in place.

We have clients that are getting debt-free in 7, 8, or 9 years from their existing 26, 27, and 28 or even 30 years on loans closed. It’s utilizing a better path, a perfect financial GPS, and being able to reach out to clients at a time. It’s not, “Let’s hit all thousand.” You’re not going to be able to handle that. I’m going to have to help, and we’re going to have to try to tackle that. You start at 5, 10, and 15, and you start talking to individuals. You have them review the information simply, as I’m asking you, and we will see if it makes sense. If you’re a consumer, why hasn’t somebody spoken to you about something that can save you money? Why not? I don’t know, but let’s make a change.

You’re reading this blog. Let’s bypass that individual. I want you to call that person and say, “Why didn’t you show me this?” You call your mortgage professional, realtor, CPA, and insurance. Let’s take a look at this item together and understand why didn’t someone else talk to you about this sooner. You stumbled into this program. You stumbled into it for a reason. You’ve had enough.

You’re spending more money at the grocery store and pumps. More money is going out for your insurance premiums, and you’ve had enough. There are only many hours in the day, and your money needs to stretch further. Let’s make this happen now. Call (888) 543-3980. You send me an email at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. When you send an email there, let me know when you can meet because I like to go over and have a meeting with you online. I illustrate and have you understand. I want to send you some information to review to get you more familiar at your own leisure, and we’ll set a time.

If you want to find out more, we can do that. On Tuesday evening, 6:00 PM, I am offering a webinar. For that webinar at 6:00 PM, when you email Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com, I’m going to send you the link to get in. You are going to come to that webinar. You don’t have to show your face. You don’t have to put your name on the screen. You don’t have to do that, and I’m fine with that, but you need to understand what the opportunity is about with that presentation.

Let’s set up a time. You’re going to reach out back to me. We’re going to set a time that’s convenient for you. We’re going to explore what we can do together with no obligation. We run your numbers. We’re going to see if this can help you and your family. It truly is that easy. I’m not going to market you, hit you, and do all this fun stuff. No, it makes sense, or it doesn’t make sense. We’ll leave it at that. I’m asking you to invest a little bit of time with no obligation so you can understand what you know, what you don’t know, and maybe what you can learn. You have to have an open mind. We’re always learning. You know what you know, but you don’t know what you don’t know. Let’s work on this together.

Call (888) 543-3980 and Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. When you send there, I’ll give you the link. If you say, “I can’t come Tuesday night, I’m busy,” that’s fine, but when are you not busy? Is it 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, or 2:00 in the afternoon? What time works for you so we can coordinate our calendars to make it make sense? I book out about eight days in advance. If I put too much there, it gets too far. Sometimes, people’s calendars change. My calendar goes out eight days. Usually, it starts getting full. I want to make sure there’s the appropriate date and time that’s good for you when you’re off or when you get home from work or a day that’s best for you. A lot of times, we’re timing that if you’re working out of your home or you’re going to an office, but we want to time what’s right.

In some cases, I like to send out, the majority of the time, a partial presentation that you can watch and a couple of other small presentations and demonstrations. If you watch that at your own leisure and your own time, you don’t have to set an appointment for that, but if it makes sense after that for you, I’d like to hear your thoughts and possibly set an appointment that makes sense for you. It is that easy.

Making a difference has been rewarding for me. We do have separate meetings, but I still stay in touch after you move forward. I’m making sure that your program is personally set up correctly. All the ins and outs are right. We’re getting the right results. You’re following it, learning it, and understanding how to use it. It’s not that difficult. We have a meeting there that’s also set up after you go forward. That’s scheduled to make sure all the I’s are dotted, and the ET’s are crossed, and you have to understand the usage.

In my opinion, the first 30 days are spent getting through the process, understanding if any bills have been missed coming in monthly, and getting the program perfect so we can start writing and going in the future looking at the recommendations. I’ve been able to meet with individuals sometimes once or even twice a week. I’m making sure things and the tune-ups are good. If there’s a referral or any other people or individuals are involved, we can talk to them. I include you in that process or refer to it, and we could talk more about that.

Tuesday night, Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. If you want to go to that webinar, email me there. If you don’t want to go there but want the information anyway, email me there and say I can’t attend, but let’s get a calendar time. I’ll send you my link, and we’ll get a time on the books. At the same time, I’ll send you some information to review. Either way, I’ll send out that information. I want you to get the most information possible so you can make the right decision on your timing. There’s no pressure. One meeting, two meetings, three meetings, whatever it is. It’s you understanding and seeing if there’s a better outcome. Call (888) 543-3980.

Get the most information possible to make the right decision on your timing. Click To Tweet

I’m in the mortgage business. I handle home loans. Purchase or refinancing going forward or going in reverse. As mentioned, business has been a lot slower in 2023 than previous years in the most recent time because rates are higher and inventory is low. Affordability becomes the issue. What are your debt ratios? What’s your income? What can we verify?

We’re doing loans with bank statements, cashflow for investors, and even primary properties. We’re using that for self-employed individuals. We are getting loans closed. It’s not running as frequently. Home values are maintained, and some areas are appreciated. We’re looking at the 2024 loan limits. Some previews are out, but the official numbers don’t come out until Thanksgiving time range. We have our investors accepting $750,000, up from $726,200. Because of the cost of living, values, and not diminishing numbers, they’re looking at that increase not going down, but an increase. We’ll see, but now people are taking advantage of that higher number here in the Southland, and I’d be happy to talk to you about that. Call (888) 543-3980.

If talking about lending and finance, I can help write the loan, or you can maybe have me take a look at what you’re working with, and I’d be happy to tell you it’s a good job and it’s working well for you and let’s get that closed. It’s all about you, finances, and numbers. It’s not about mine. It’s about yours. I want to make sure you’re making that right decision without hindsight going, “Could I, would I, should I?” No, I want you to understand that as you’re going, not after.

I make jokes about it, but people say, “Did I do a good job?” What am I going to say? I’m not, “No, you did lousy.” That’s not good. I could say, “There was room, but let’s see what we can do better going forward.” That’s the perspective I want to have. You have to look at the optimistic side of what you can do, not what you didn’t do, because what you didn’t do, sometimes you can’t fix. You can do things better going forward. That’s what I want to talk to you about. Call (888) 543-3980.

I mentioned a lot of stuff coming out between Empire State, manufacturing, US sales, retail sales, industrial production, capacity utilization, business inventories, home builder confidence, housing starts, building permits, the Beige Book, jobless claims, Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing, existing home sales, and US economic indicators. There’s a lot of stuff I’m looking at this upcoming week, but that’s what I do.

I live and breathe this lending space and money space. I’m looking at when to time, when to do, and when to help save you money. When you’re in the loan process, I’m watching that like a hawk. I’m making sure the right timing and the right position are there to save you the most money and have the most efficiency to close. When it comes to your overall finances, a perfect financial GPS can do that for you. Let’s discuss it.

Make a note. However, if you want to make a note, whether it’s on a yellow sticky note, I don’t care about the color, or it’s on your phone or wherever you want to write it. Maybe you have one of those things that suction cups on your window, and you have a little thing there where you could write or have the person next to you. They’re not doing it, and they’re not driving. Write down our number (888) 543-3980. If you want to write down Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com, call us and find out what you can do. The worst thing, no, you’re doing good. That’s the best thing, but let’s find out where you are. There’s no obligation. I hope you enjoyed this program. Hopefully, you take advantage of it. Until the next episode, what loan do you have?


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