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Significant Upside Inflation Risks Continue

  • August 18, 2023
  • realestatelife
  • Podcast

YREL 427 | Retire Your Debt Faster


Get ready for an enlightening episode that could transform your financial journey! Join Michael Harris as he explores the world of responsible money management and smart mortgage choices, from the lens of his over 37 years of experience in the industry. Whether you’re just stepping into homeownership, looking to invest, or seeking to optimize your current financial situation, this episode is your roadmap to substantial savings and a more secure future. Discover how to retire your debt faster and make money work for you. With insights, real-life examples, and powerful tools, we’re here to empower your financial decisions. Tune in now and take the first step toward achieving financial freedom and peace of mind!

Listen to the podcast here


Significant Upside Inflation Risks Continue

Welcome to the show. I’m excited to be here. It’s been a busy month already. We’ve had a lot of people moving forward, saving money. They’re not spending money but saving money and retiring interest faster. A lot of people are thinking, “He’s a loan guy. He’s talking about interest rates. He must be meaning interest rates went down.” That’s not the most important factor when it comes to saving money. It is when you’re looking at monthly cashflow, qualifying, and getting a home loan. I got it.

I’m in my 37th year in lending. I’ve been on the radio for seventeen years. We’re approved in five states, which are California, Colorado, Texas, Montana, and the state of Washington. We’re able to help people with DSCR loans or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans, which means for an investment property, if the rent is covered, we can do that in 30-plus other states. If we’re not licensed in a state or not able to lend in a certain state, I’ll look to refer other professionals.

I can evaluate your loan info sheets. I can evaluate your closing statements a little late in the game, but I can take a look at those. I can see whether you’re spending the right money at the right time for the right reason. Interest rates have been volatile. They’re up, down, around, and all over the place. We’re still sitting here with a 6%, maybe even a 7%, depending upon your loan-to-value, the equity position, and your credit score.

I talked about interest rate versus interest volume. That’s been my big push of late. We’ve had a lot of individuals that we’re eliminating their interest volume. You’re like, “What’s the difference?” Interest volume is the amount of interest you’re paying on your monthly mortgage payment. You’re thinking, “My rate’s at 3%. I’m paying 3%.” Take a look at your amortized home loan and understand that it’s skewed if you look at your amortization schedule.

In 1970, there was a material change in how loans were set up. It became an amortized loan. An amortized loan front loads interest more so in the first 5 to 7 years. You end up being 50/50 about 18 to 22 years in, depending on the rate that you started. The goal is to try to move further down the amortization so more money is going towards principle and less to interest. How do you do that? You utilize discretionary money at the end of every month. You prioritize certain timing and other items and vehicles where you’re able to use your money longer rather than giving it to somebody else and you’re using eight different variables.

Do you remember back at school trying to solve for three variables and you had a headache? Imagine solving for eight with all the different things going on. There is a perfect financial GPS program that will do that for you and come up with that formula to get you to zero faster. It takes you down 1/3 or 1/2 the normal time without refinancing or changing your lifestyle. We’re not doing pork and beans and various small things and sacrificing this and that. We’re going to keep your current lifestyle but show you, with discretionary, money as little as $100.

Do you remember back at school trying to solve for three variables and you had a headache? Imagine solving for eight with all the different things going on. There is a perfect financial GPS program that will do that for you. Click To Tweet

I had a client who had $89 at the end of every month and we’re saving years off his loan. It’s his challenge in his mind that he wants to start having more discretionary. He’s like, “I want $100.” It’s a challenge. It became a game. He wants to see what he can do to accelerate that. That’s only going to help him.

As soon as we did this, he looked at some of the bills. What we do is we want all the items in and all the items that go out accurately. You go through the water, power, electricity, cable, and all that. He went through all these items and was able to shave off about $122 of monthly debt. All of a sudden, that $89 became over $200. There are ways that we can look at refining it.

Every dollar is important. Every cent is important. A perfect financial GPS doesn’t have a motion. It really doesn’t care, but it likes to count every single penny of every single dollar of every single item to make that difference in the outcome. You can earn interest on your monthly savings. You can get a 4% to 5% return on your savings and even put in an extra $40, $50, $80, or $100 a month on your idled funds. You can.

Maybe you’re like, “My bank is only paying 0.01%.” Let’s talk about ways that you can earn some more money. Let’s get more discretionary money so we can eliminate early interest and you could become debt-free sooner. We have appointments on the calendar. I’d love to talk to you. We have a Tuesday webinar. Email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. You could sign up for that or get on my calendar. Let me know if Tuesday doesn’t work. That’s fine. We’ll have a one-on-one together.

I can also send you some information. I’ll send you a 27-minute video so you can take a look at the presentation. That’s fine. I can send you out different ways that the program works and understand it so you have a knowledge of the program prior to us speaking. Eventually, I want to get your numbers and show the results that could be done for you. I’m doing all of that at no cost. There is no cost to gain your numbers and get an education and an understanding. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. I want to talk to you about your real estate life. I want to save you money. We will have more after the break.

Reduce Your Interest Volume

I am talking to you about reducing your interest obligation or your interest volume. Many of you reading have a loan. Maybe it’s a mortgage. You have a low rate or even a higher rate. You have car loans. You have credit card debt. You have other items that you’re paying interest on. Interest is not created equal. Depending upon how it’s structured and set up, it pays differently.

YREL 427 | Retire Your Debt Faster
Retire Your Debt Faster: Interest is not created equal. Depending upon how it’s structured and set up, it pays differently.


Some are amortized loans, which started back in the 1970s range. You can look at that loan as being front-loaded more towards interest and then less interest later, with more principle coming after the midway point, which is 18 to 21 years in 50/50. The goal is to try to hit a lot of that interest early so you can start biting at that principal sooner. I can show you how that is done so you can come out further ahead and take that 30-year loan and take it into the low teens and even into single digits.

Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. If there was a program to eliminate most of the interest in your life and pay off all your debts, personal and business, even mortgages, in as little as 1/3 or 1/2 the normal time without refinancing and without changing your lifestyle, would you want to learn more? If you’re available on Tuesday evening at 6:00 PM, I’d like you to come to a webinar. I want you to email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. Let me know who you are. I’ll send you back an email with the access information.

You may say, “I can’t come on Tuesday at 6:00. I have a previous engagement.” I understand. What we can do is look to schedule a time one-on-one on your schedule. I meet in the evenings, during the day, or whatever’s appropriate. I would like to know more about you, what drives you, and what’s the issue at hand. What is your debt structure?

You can either come to the webinar and set up a time with me or let me know to send you information for your review. I’ll send you a few links. I’ll send you an item so you can watch what the webinar topic will be. You can gain additional information, and then you can throw back at me that you want to know more. That knowing more will be down the line running your numbers.

What do you have? Is it a mortgage, a car payment, or student loans that are about to be due again? Do you have a personal loan? Do you have maybe a rental property, another mortgage, or an equity line? Do you have multiple credit card debts? Do you have that one at a low-interest rate that you paid upfront interest to get a 0% or low interest rate and it’s coming due soon and you’re not sure what to do? Do you have other department store cards or other items that were no interest for a certain period and that are coming up? Do you have other debt in general?

I want to go over these items. I want to look at your monthly obligations, whether it’s rent or mortgage, but also whether it’s your water, power, gas, electric and all these items that you pay. Those could be your food bill, your gas bill, your grocery bill, and your entertainment bill. Understand where you are on your outlay to understand where you are with discretionary money at the end of every month.

It is putting this together on one sheet. It is inputting this in and getting a perfect financial GPS result showing that if you follow a program, that is there for you and mapping it out. It’s day-to-day and goes 90 days out. It goes out way off in the future, but it shows you 90 days. You can program what-if scenarios as well. We’ll talk about that in a moment. You have the ability to reduce your interest footprint much faster. Call me at (888) 543-3980 and email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. Either register there by getting your information in so I can get you out and your location or we can look to sign up for a one-on-one time, or I can get you out information upon your request. 

This is education and information. There is no obligation, but it’s good information that’s going to save you money. You do not need to be a homeowner to save money and save interest. You have interest obligations, other debts, and credit card obligations. We’ve taken people from 15 years down to 3 years debt-free. We’ve had individuals that are going to be debt-free in four years. It gives them the ability to buy the home that they want to live in because they’re renting.

We had a couple. She has a home in another state and her sister’s living there. You know how that goes. Sometimes, they pay, and sometimes, they don’t. They’re covering up that they do, but they don’t. That’s happening. We’re going to have her debt-free in four years, giving her the ability to purchase where she’s at and stop paying rent. There are solutions that lie ahead that I’d like to show you how. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980.

We had an individual that was so excited. He registered for a meeting with me on my Calendly the evening prior. He registered my first appointment in the morning the next day. I got on the call. I normally would do an intro call where we could find out a little bit more about me and you. We get to know each other a little bit better and understand the priorities and where things are.

He did his homework. He did some reviews with some of the links and items that were accessible to him. He was so excited he wouldn’t let me off the call. He wanted me to continue. We ended up running his numbers during the first meeting. We’re then doing the follow-up for him to go forward because he already was so convinced that he didn’t want to wait any longer and we were saving him a lot of money.

He is a gentleman who has four boys. He’s getting remarried, to go into a little bit of detail. He has four growing boys and says that the grocery bill is killing him, let alone the other items. He’s making ends meet and getting by, but he doesn’t want to just get by. He wants to get ahead and see a debt-free date going forward. We were able to go through this together and input his items. He was ready to do it.

When I meet with you eventually to input your items, it’s knowing the credit limits on the credit cards and the balances and when they’re due. It’s knowing those items. I don’t want to know the account numbers. I don’t need that, but I need to know when they’re due and the statement dates. This way, the perfect financial GPS program, Money Max, can come back and give you the answers correctly. It is junk in, junk out. I need the right information.

I had an appointment. We were trying to go over the information. I was getting roundabout ideas of what was owed. It wasn’t the exact numbers. He was like, “It’s this.” We’re going to get results like that as well. When we have that eventual meeting to put in your numbers, we want accurate information because we want accurate results. I’m all about accuracy. It’s not guessing.

You go play darts and throw the dart and hope you hit the right target. That’s great. It’s on the board, but it doesn’t mean it’s where you want it to be. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. I’m passionate about what I do. I’m passionate about saving you money. I spend your money the way I spend mine sparingly. I want value for my money and so should you.

Your lender loves you, and you don’t need that kind of love in your life. If you’re renting, your landlord’s there. They love you. You’re making their payment. Let’s see what we can do to put you in a better position and then eliminate interest faster. It’s not that difficult to do if you open your mind to the thought. It’s looking at things a little bit differently and having an open mind. It’s not because you don’t and you’re not aware of it that it means it doesn’t work and it’s not being done. Have an open mind. Stop doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results.

Have an open mind. Stop doing the same thing over and over, expecting different results. Click To Tweet

Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. I want you to become your own bank, control your destiny, and eliminate interest. Have the decisions you want to have when you want to have them. Utilize the money that you’re earning to do what you want to do. Let’s move it properly to get to our final destination much sooner. Life happens.

With that, I mentioned about predictability and things that this opportunity can do. If you’re looking to purchase a car in the next year, you can program that in or put that in and see what that does to your debt structure under the opportunity. Where you are financing something 72 or 74 months, it may only add 1 year and 3 months to your overall debt because the programs would operate efficiently.

If you’re planning a family vacation of $5,000, $10,000, or $15,000 that is a dream of a lifetime, it may add quite a few years. The true cost could be even more if you put it on a credit card. If you had the opportunity to have a perfect financial GPS to allocate money and save, it might cost you much less if you use an opportunity like this to plan ahead. You’re going to see what the true cost of this vacation, timing, or item you want to do can do for you.

There are many companies out there that will have dinner meet and greets to talk about the retirement planning setup, social security, when, why, and how. If you have this opportunity, you can plug in that lower amount that they’re offering you at a certain age and then the next amount. See what that does to your debt structure and your overall setup. You’re going to have the numerical answer. You then have to look at your timeline, health, and other related items and various things that the professional will go over with you. You’ll have that numerical answer, the one without emotion or feeling. That’s very important, gauging that answer. 

This is something that replaces those 400 pages of spreadsheets and hours upon hours that you spend trying to figure out what to do. Some people like numbers, and some people don’t. This is replacing that. You may need about 10 to 15 minutes a month, but what ends up happening is you spend a little bit more time because you have fun watching and looking at the savings occur.

It’s not that difficult to do to execute a line item to put these items in initially. We’ll spend that time, put that together, and have a coaching consultation. Once we have those items in, not much change has to occur unless you buy something new. If a payment eliminates and goes off, it goes off and moves to the next month.

We can show you how this works. In the first 30 days, there will be a little bit of a learning curve, like anything, but it becomes very easy for you to follow. Logging in and securing your information, your name, and your accounts are not in the opportunity. It’s a nice accounting software that looks well for anyone that would get in there, which hasn’t occurred, but if it did, there’s nothing to lose.

You still have to drive the car. You may have a GPS, but you still do the driving. You still have to make the payments when it comes to your finances, whether you make automatic payments, write a check, or whatever it is that you do. You’re executing in the program that knows the items that were paid and the amount that was paid. It then moves down the line and gets your debt-free date much sooner. It makes transfers that tell you to transfer this to this and do this to do that. You follow that and it gets you to that zero path much sooner.

Maybe you have more money. Maybe you have a variable income from commissions, bonuses, or overtime. It’s not a stable income, but on average, it’s a certain amount. As you earn your money, you’re able to put in the amount that you earned and the program will move with you. If you have a better month or a worse month, maybe you’re a real estate agent. You’re a realtor. As a realtor, you have a high commission. Maybe you have a great month. Maybe you have a slow month. It goes on average.

The program and the opportunities could understand your setup. It’s going to advise movements and changes as a result in order to protect you and your current status. It will also tell you when you’re going to run out of money. It’s going to show you and tell you where the concerns are and where movements can and cannot occur based on what is happening in your life. Let’s find out more together. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980.

As a mortgage banker, my primary job here is helping you when it comes to financing, whether you’re going forward or reverse, whether you’re purchasing or refinancing, or whether it’s commercial or residential. I can help in construction. All of these items and directions are still there, but it’s not as plentiful as it has been. We have a low volume as far as listings. We have a high set of demand. The average age of a first-time home buyer is up to 37. We’re losing some of those early individuals, perhaps to student loans and jobs as far as income to qualify, depending on the state that you’re looking at.

YREL 427 | Retire Your Debt Faster
Retire Your Debt Faster: We have a low volume as far as listings. We have a high set of demand. The average age of a first-time home buyer is up to 37.


As United Mortgage Corporation of America, we’re approved to lend in five states, which are California, Colorado, Montana, Texas, and the state of Washington. I’m doing loans for DSCR loans or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans in 30 some-odd other states. I can help you, guide you, and give you information so you can make a wise decision.

With that said, we look at economic news that comes out every week. On Monday, August 21st, 2023, we had nothing coming out. It was like last Monday. Nothing. On Tuesday, we have existing home sales. On Wednesday, we have the S&P slash US Services PMI for August 2023. We have manufacturing PMI as well for August 2023 coming out on Wednesday morning. We have new home sales as well. On Thursday, the initial job claims as your normal durable, good orders also minus transportation. On Friday, we have the University of Michigan consumer sentiment. How do you feel?

We’ll look at these items and understand what’s going on with the statistics. It’s the same way every Thursday. Every Thursday, we find out what the Fannie Mae AND Freddie Mac averages for mortgage rates. It’s not the Thursday you’re hearing it. It’s the Thursday of the week prior. You missed out the whole week, the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday to that announcement. It’s not what’s going on now. It’s what happened the week prior. 

Sometimes, rates could be higher or lower. When you hear that news, you’re looking in the rear-view mirror. That’s when you can give us a call. We can find out what to do where you are in your pre-approval. We have a number of pre-approvals on ITIN loans, the taxpayer identification loans. Those are individuals who are in the States legally in the states. They have no social security but an ITIN and are moving forward with as little as 11% down. We’re getting these loans done.

We have individuals who are paying high rent and looking to have home ownership. When the time is right and refinancing makes sense, that’s great. In the meantime, we’re going to show you how to eliminate early interest and have lower balances so that when this time of refinancing occurs, you owe a lot less. The rate goes down. Your volume is going down because your balance is lower because you went after the principal rather than paying early interest on an amortized loan.   We’ll show you how to do that and work together for the right outcome.

Go to our website at YourRealEstateLife.com. Go to United4Loans.com. All of our past programs are there. You can check out this program and previous programs. I encourage you to pick up the phone and call. Speak to me directly at (888) 543-3980. During the program, you have individuals answering the phone. That’s not me because I’m on the air, but I’m looking to get back to you as soon as I’m off the air. I’m looking to reach back to you and find a time that’s convenient to discuss your wants and needs and what we can do to save you money. We’ll have more after the break.

Your Best Destination Ahead Of You

We’re talking about your money. We’re talking about what you can do on your way in your journey to purchase. Once you purchase and have your loan in place, what are you going to do next? Are you making your monthly payments? You are. What can you do to decrease and turn down the volume of your loan? Let’s turn up that frequency by hitting that interest and knocking it out so we can then attack that principle.

You’re like, “That is a lot of words and a lot of information. How do I do that?” There are a couple of different ways. It’s information and education. It’s very difficult to solve for 8, 9, or 10 variables in 1 shot and say, “How do you do that? How do you build this and that?” It’s not easy to explain, but I can illustrate, go over your individual profile, and show you what we can do with a perfect financial GPS program.

I want you to write down this email address, Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. When you email there, it will go to me. What I’m looking for is if you would like to attend a Tuesday night webinar at 6:00 PM, I will give you the info to attend. I look forward to seeing you there. If you’re not able to attend on a Tuesday evening, or even if you are, I can send you some links so you can get more familiar prior to or instead of that webinar. Once you review those links, which I hope you do, then I’d like to hear from you what you think.

If you like to, we can then schedule an appointment where we can go over that a little bit further and answer further questions. My goal at that point is to allow you to share your numbers with me, whether it’s in that meeting, if you’re organized, or gathering those items for the next appointment, which we can do online. We would input your mortgage, equity line, personal loans, other property loans, student loans, car, credit cards, and monthly obligations. It is understanding what your numbers are and where you have discretionary at the end of every month.

We’re going to enter all that in with the right payment dates, the right payment amounts, your taxes, your insurance, and all the items we need. We’re going to do that together. Once we do that, we’re going to get your debt-free date based on utilizing this opportunity. We’re going to show you your current plan, and we’re going to show you the potential plan that you can now take. We’re going to change your sail because you’re running into the wind.

We want to make sure you have your best destination ahead of you. We want to change your ending. We can change your starting point. I want to make sure this happens for you. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980 and Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. As we’re talking to our News Talk 1590 KVTA audience, we have a lot of individuals moving forward in the 818 and 805 area codes. We have people moving forward and becoming debt-free sooner.

We want to make sure you have your best destination ahead of you. We want to change your ending. We can change your starting point. Click To Tweet

I’m not as concerned about your current rate, but I’m looking at your interest volume. When you look at your mortgage statement, I want you to understand how much money is going towards interest and how much money is going towards the principal. I want to churn that over. I want more the other way. I want more money going towards principal, building up equity, and reducing the amount of time that you owe on your loan.

In 1970, lenders made a change in the amortization by utilizing a loan that was front-loaded for interest. That goes mostly in the years 5 through the first 7 years. The interest is front-loaded. You’re paying a large volume of interest until you hit 50% levels about 18 to 22 years in, depending upon the level of your starting rate. Even a rate of 3%, you’re paying 60%-some-odd interest.

When you close your home loan, you have what is called the Total Interest Paid or a TIP that you have paid. That’s the additional amount that you’re paying on your loan over the life. In most cases, it’s over 100%. Over the life of the loan, you pay your principal. You’re paying over 50%, 52%, or 54% over the life of the loan, but you’re paying a lot more of it even upfront.

Let’s make a difference. Let’s flip that. Let’s do it together. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. Take me up on it. Prove me wrong. Let’s do it. Email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. If there was a program to eliminate most of the interest in your life, pay off all your debts, personal and/or business, or even mortgage, and as little as 1/3 or 1/2 the normal time without refinancing and without changing your lifestyle, would you want to learn more? The key word there is to learn more. I didn’t say, “Pay to learn more.”

I want to give you solid information for you to evaluate and understand so you can adopt this as part of your direction going forward. This allows you to be responsible when it comes to money without having the headache of computational and working an abacus to figure it out. I want you to have that perfect financial GPS.

When was the last time you pulled the roadmaps out of your glove compartment? You remember that. Either you did it or your parents did it when you were a kid. You opened up the glove compartment and you’re like, “Dad, where are we heading?” Dad never wanted directions. Dad always knew where he was going. Perhaps mom would be like, “Let’s figure it out.”

This was before cell phones and technology with the GPS. You would map out your path. Mind you, that path didn’t tell you when the traffic accident occurred and you are backed up for hours. You had no idea that it was ahead. Technology with satellite allows you to understand where the traffic is backed up. You got people that are telling you that ahead of time. You could take alternate routes. It tells you the best way to get to where you need to be.

Back in the day, you went to 7/11 or A&W Root Beer. You go to these places and you’re like, “I want to go to this Italian place,” or whatever it is. You made a stop. You went off in a different way and it was unknown what it would cost you in time. You’re then like, “I can go this route. It adds another such and such to my thing. I can take this path.”

All of a sudden, things become a lot easier. Many of you have no idea of how it was. Some of you reading remember the days of like, “I have to get off the freeway or drive. I got to use a payphone.” There were no cell phones. You’re like, “The beeper.” God forbid, you got to go pick up the message and then it was a hang-up. It’s life’s problems.

You have the ability to leverage technology when it comes to your finances and make a perfect decision based on the correct information being inputted. There’s no fooling yourself. There’s no putting the wrong information in and hoping it’s going to happen. This is not a dream. This is reality. We’re going to put the information in and come up with the results. If the program and the opportunity are right for you, you’ll know it. If it’s not, we’ll part as friends. I’m still here. Maybe you come back or maybe you don’t, but I’m still here.

YREL 427 | Retire Your Debt Faster
Retire Your Debt Faster: You have the ability to leverage technology when it comes to your finances and make a perfect decision based on the correct information being inputted. There’s no fooling yourself.


I’d like to help you and your family with your next home purchase when it comes to financing. That’s what I do. We’re helping people retire that debt responsibly. It’s not only getting in the home. It’s getting in the home and coming out further ahead faster. It is retiring that interest. I talk about it in the program. I’ll say it again. A 10% equity line for those 10 years that it’s a line of credit, the 10% is better than the 3% amortized because 10% is 10%. You get paid more towards the principal.

When you look at a 3% amortized loan, take a look at the mortgage statement. You’re paying 62% interest based on the percentage of how much you’re paying because it’s front-loaded. When I look to refinance over many years of doing this, I want you to take that extra that we’re saving and pay more towards principal if you can afford to do so. We’ll talk more about that and other items when we come back right after this break.

Retire Your Debt Faster

I am excited to be here helping people save money, whether it’s your purchase or refinancing. There is refinancing going on. People are still consolidating items strategically or pulling money out of that home to allow them to buy other doors and gain additional income or do home improvement. What we do is take a look at what we’re doing and we look at that beforehand, not after. We don’t look at it as in hindsight.

We want to look at it as part of the plan of what we can do to retire that debt sooner and more responsibly. We’re making sure the affordability is there, but also a way to retire that debt and interest sooner. Our goal is to pay back what you borrow but pay back less interest over the life of the loan and do it constructively.

You’re going, “That sounds very difficult.” What would happen if I told you that you could have your very own access to something that will tell you exactly what you should do day-to-day to maximize your results to a fault without a mistake? We want to make sure your information is accurate going in so it’s accurate going out. That’s what I’d like to do with you. I want to analyze where you are. I can do these meetings without any cost to you. I want you to evaluate and understand rather than to look to make a decision. It’s going to save you thousands of dollars.

I’m utilizing the same opportunity and have saved an additional from what I could have done myself, which was pretty good because I love numbers. I was taking myself down from 26 years down to 12.3. I took it down additionally to 7.9. I saved another four years based on what I was looking to do, which was a lot more than most.

We’re getting individuals down from 26 down to 8 years. We got people going from 15 years down to 4 years. I had someone from 15 to 4. They were on the floor crying. I had a husband and wife. They were on the call with me and we were sharing screens. The husband broke down in tears and the wife looked over and was like, “I haven’t seen you cry in years.” He goes, “I’m not crying,” and he’s wiping off his eyes.

It was the burden that was taken off from the information and the understanding of what was being done and what the burden was that he felt on him to try to provide for himself, his wife, and his family. He felt a sense of relief. It was like letting the air out. He was emotional. Not everyone reacts the same. I had $417,000 that I saved somebody in interest. It’s real money.

Your debt-free date will always be there for you. It will be there in front of you when you go in and log into the program with both you and your spouse have access. You guys will have that shared item. It’s not one party only knowing. Both will have the ability to move forward and be comfortable with where you are in your finances. You’ll be on the same team. You’ll work together for that outcome. You’ll have a better future for you and your family when you have decision processes that you can enter ahead of time rather than rolling the dice and hoping they work.

Your debt-free date will always be there for you. Click To Tweet

You can go back and take care of various items with discretionary money that are there. You can have your money working hard for you. You work hard to obtain it and let it work hard for you on the other side. We’ll take a look at the proposed income. We have individuals who are earning money and going to school, finishing up professional schooling. They could earn more money later. That allows them perhaps to even reduce the debt sooner at a later time.

We have individuals who are looking at retirement and when, and perhaps, income is changing. Maybe they’re getting social security, pensions, or other methods or items coming in. Maybe they’re selling this or doing this in the future. These items will all enter into looking at future forecasting and decisions that you’re making, whether you’re taking social security or not, and what things you need to do and what that means for you going down in the future. That’s without, “I don’t know. We’ll see what the future holds.” You’ll have predictability.

Let me show you what I’m talking about. We will have a webinar on Tuesday. If you email me at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com, I’ll send you a personal invite. I do ask to know your name. I want to know who you are when you show up. That’d be great. You don’t have to show your face, but I would like to know that you’re there. If that makes sense to you, I’d like to set up another time that we talk one-on-one. We can share a screen and do that. Eventually, I’d like to gain your numbers to see what the opportunity could do for you. It may not be right for you. Maybe you don’t need it, but maybe you know somebody who does and it makes sense for you to refer them because you care about their lives and family as you do yours.

We have professionals who are utilizing this opportunity for their clients, realtors, investors, first-time home buyers, and other clients to gain more transactions, but also help them retire debt and be in a better position. We have insurance agents that are using it for wealth creation. We eliminate debt and create wealth. It gives them the opportunity to do so.

We have credit professionals doing the same. They are helping people get on the right path and prove credit, and then getting them on a path that they can move forward responsibly. We have divorce professionals, attorneys, or mediators utilizing this in divorce negotiations because one values the debt better than the other. They have a different way of looking at it that’s possibly more responsible and it makes more sense. That’s there. We have bankruptcy attorneys who have looked at the item and helped their clients, especially going forward, with responsibility and moving ends that way and not reoccurring the same problem.

There have been so many different professionals that we’ve talked to that have moved forward. I’m also talking to fellow mortgage professionals. I’m not interested in your client. I’m interested in you talking with your clients and having them get a better outcome from the loan that you placed them in. It was the right loan, perhaps at that time, but let’s talk about eliminating that interest sooner.

If you could go back to all of the loans you’ve closed over the years and show them there’s a better way to responsibly handle and show them their debt to have an earlier debt-free date, would that make sense? It gives you a reason to speak with them. If you haven’t, it gives you a business that you don’t have that you’re looking for. I’d be more than happy to work alongside you to share how and what you can do to move forward.

You can utilize this as an opportunity. If you’re trying to earn an extra $500,000, $1,500, $2,000, or an extra $5,000 a month, I’d like to show you how you can perhaps refer individuals to help improve their finances. Maybe you have a side or a full-time job, depending on what you like to do. We can talk about that as well. I’m open to it. It’s not my full-time job, but the numbers that I told you, I’m exceeding those numbers and helping individuals save money. That’s what I’m all about. My time is important. Hopefully, your time is important and because of that, your money is important.

Spending your money because you’re earning it doesn’t mean that’s right. Let’s earn that money and keep it with you and retire that interest sooner. Let’s turn up the frequency and turn down the volume together. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. I want you to challenge me. The more debt you have, the more I’m going to save you. If you don’t own a home, I can still help you. Even as a renter, we can help you with this product and program. We have individuals who are using it for the future to buy it down the line. I have an individual who went from 15.3 down to 3.2 years. He doesn’t own a home and has no mortgage.

YREL 427 | Retire Your Debt Faster
Retire Your Debt Faster: Spending your money because you’re earning it doesn’t mean that’s right. Let’s earn that money and keep it with you and retire that interest sooner.


These results are real. Your results are real to you, but I need to know what you have. I’ve met with many individuals with various items and places with multiple properties. We have one individual who has over 100 properties. Entering the information took a little while, but we got all that in. We were entering in the mortgages and whatnots. Guess what? He has 80-some-odd homes, free and clear. The loans are being knocked out by the rent and other items in the cashflow coming in. It could be very sophisticated, or it could be down to someone renting or owning 1 property with 1 loan, whether a 1st or a 2nd or a car loan.

We are keeping an eye on these student loan items that are about to come in, with payments probably starting in October 2023. That’s going to be a question of your discretion. We want to keep in mind where we are there as far as your monthly payments. We’re having discussions with our current users as well as people coming on board if they have student loans. We want to make sure they’re in a position to absorb and move forward and eliminate as soon as possible.

Where you are on your journey, I’d like to speak with you. Maybe your family’s getting started and you’re looking to eventually have children moving forward. You want to do things responsibly. Maybe you’ve seen it done in different ways in the past. You’ve seen things that you don’t want to occur to you. I want to show you a path that maybe you were not shown before. You weren’t shown growing up. You weren’t shown in school. I want to show you how you can utilize technology and the principles of money to move forward with your real estate life and your finances.

Some CEOs handle money. They handle dollars. They handle things right in front of them, like numbers. Some move it off to the left or the right or off their desk altogether. “If it’s not important, it won’t come back,” is their thought. They’re like, “If it’s important enough, it will come pop back up on the desk.” That’s not right. I want to make sure you are taking care of your business for you and your family. You’re removing the stress that you have that keeps you up at night. You have a path that you can count on.

Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. Our program is on News Talk 1590 KVTA on Saturday mornings. Every other week, it’s on K-EARTH 101. You can stream us at KVTA.com or KEarth101.com. Our past programs are posted on our website at YourRealEstateLife.com or United4Loans.com. Shortly after hearing them live on the air, you have the opportunity to reach out and gain information so you have a better decision process. I hope that process is with me when it comes to financing. If it’s not, I understand different decisions are made.

We are often approached during the process to verify whether the information is accurate. I have no problem doing that. I would love to earn your business. If it’s making sure you get the right information at the right time and the right close, and it is, that’s fantastic. I’m so happy you had a relationship with somebody who did the right thing. That’s what it’s all about. There are enough businesses out there for everyone. I can’t get it all, but I want to make sure you’re comfortable with your decision and it’s not, in hindsight, going, “What did I do?”

I have someone who elected to utilize somebody else who was a family friend. They didn’t want to offend the family member. That works, but the extra $7,500 they spent to close the deal was worth the family friend. At that point, I don’t want to rub those numbers in, but in analyzing it, that’s what it cost them. Not hurting the family friend cost them $7,500. We could get it back in the future. Who knows? It was money that did not need to be spent. In some respects, the person who closed the loan bully for them. That’s not right. I also hate when I find out information that is not right and then all of a sudden, that person corrects it and gives them the difference that I say is there. If you didn’t say anything, they wouldn’t have given it to you. That’s not right either.

I try to do the right thing. I’ve been doing this in my 37th year in the mortgage industry. I have been doing talk radio for over seventeen years. My sole purpose is to make sure you are getting the right results. Sometimes, you don’t know what those results are. I’ve been dealing with a lot of people with technology and various items. It is like, “Put me on the ski slope. Put me on the top of the mountain. Put me down the hill. Here’s the double diamond. We’ll meet you at the bottom. Good luck.” I’m going to be sitting there snowplowing all the way down, going over the moguls, and making sure I don’t fall and kill myself. By the end of the day, I’ll see them in the clubhouse. 

I want to make sure you have the roadmap, the path, and the understanding you want to have. It’s not feeling taken advantage of by the guys doing high fives or the gals doing high fives or fist pumps in the back and knowing they got the best of you. I want to make sure you know the roadmap and what’s happening and you’re making that decision with your eyes wide open.

I come to you on the weekends to talk to you about your real estate life and finance. I do it for a reason. It is to help educate, explain, and show what is possible. I show what you need to look for when it comes to doing this. I can’t perform my own surgery. I may understand it if someone explains it, but I have no idea. As I told you about some of the technology, I’m better than most, but I’m missing quite a bit.

I want to help fill in those gaps when it comes to financing, real estate, paying off interest sooner, and understanding interest better. Interest rates are not built the same. It’s how they’re structured and how they’re paid. Let me show you how. Let’s talk at (888) 543-3980. Email me directly at Michael@United4Loans.com. Register for our webinar and get information at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. That’s Tuesday night at 6:00 PM here on the West Coast.

I want to talk to you, educate you, and give you information to allow you to have a better future for yourself and your family. Where you are in your life, whether you are getting started, in the middle, up on top, or getting the family coming back, I want to make sure your future is right. We had Marisha Charbonnet on the program. She talked about your trust and your kids’ trust. As your kids are getting older, you need to make sure everyone in your family, the people you care about, are protected. Until the next episode, what kind of loan do you have?


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