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Fed Pauses But Reaffirms Higher For Longer

  • September 26, 2023
  • realestatelife
  • Podcast

YREL 432 | Interest Rates


The Federal Reserve didn’t raise interest rates recently but is thinking about doing it in December, possibly with fewer rate cuts next year. Interest rates, including mortgages, are going up, and this might continue for a while. It’s important to have a financial plan to adapt to these changes. US debt is a concern, and there’s talk of a government shutdown. The coming week has many important economic reports and Fed events that could affect these decisions. Inflation is higher than the Fed wants, and this might impact future decisions. If you’re buying a home or refinancing, it’s essential to watch these developments and understand how they affect mortgage rates and the overall economy. Michael Harris discusses these developments in this episode and shows us how we can still continue on our journey to becoming debt-free in spite of this high-interest environment through the Perfect Financial GPS Program. Plus, learn some of the basics of disinheritance and how it impacts estate planning. Tune in for more!

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Fed Pauses But Reaffirms Higher For Longer

I always want to know, what kind of loan do you have? I want to be on your team when it comes to your finances and what you pay. It’s time to turn up your frequency by turning down your interest volume. We’re talking about money and saving money. I’m the President of United Mortgage Corporation of America. I’ve been in the industry for many years in the lending game. I’ve been on the radio for several years. I’ve taken on a new role.

I want to be your interest cancellation specialist, talk to you about cashflow management, and reduce the amount of interest you pay. Yes, I’m helping you get financing, leverage, obtain a home, maybe refinance, or consolidate debt. I want to make sure you pay the least amount of interest volume over the life of that loan. Everyone heard of an interest rate. What’s interest volume?

Depending upon the loan that you have, it is set up in different manners. You can have an interest-only loan, which means that it is your interest that you pay. The loan could be an amortization. That’s usually the common loan of a first mortgage on your home or condo. What happens is it’s stacking interest in the earlier years. By that, take a look at your current statement. Those of you look online, go online, log in, and take a look at your current monthly statement. You tell me how much interest is part of that total payment.

Throw off the taxes and insurance and maybe even mortgage insurance, the premium for FHA or PMI for conventional. How much is a ratio? Is that the interest amount? What’s your interest volume? The interest rates are hitting 7%. You’re paying close to 84% interest on that first payment. You’re not breaking even until over 20 years and that’s 50/50 on what you pay both interest and principal. If you’re at 3%, maybe you started at 64% interest.

When we compare that 3% and let’s say 6.5%, it’s only a difference over the life of the loan by 4%, 52% versus 56%. The amount of money that you’re going to save is attacking early interest to aim at the principal. We are showing past clients, current clients, and our audience how we can reduce that interest volume, taking your 30-year loan, taking the effective yield even below 2%, and in some cases, below 1% on the interest rate. We’re eliminating that debt that much sooner.

We’ve been able to take 30-year loans, paying off all debt in single-digit years. Your results will vary depending upon your holdings, credit cards, car loans, student loan payments, mortgages, and how many properties you have but we are looking at as much as 1/3 or 1/2 the time without changing your lifestyle. If you want to find out more, give us a call at (888) 543-3980. If there was a program to eliminate most of the interest in your life, pay off all your debt, personal and/or business, even mortgage, as little as 1/3 or 1/2 the normal time without refinancing, rates are a little high. We have to have a net tangible benefit for that.

Without changing your lifestyle, would you want to learn more? The number is (888) 543-3980. You can text as well. I will get your phone number then and send you a few links that you can take a look at. If you’d like to send us a register for the webinar we do on Tuesday evenings, feel free. It’s at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. I will send you the link to join that or we can have a separate meeting collectively ourselves.

You don’t have to go to the general to get information. I can send you some information. We could have our conversation. We had so many people. I was at an appointment pretty much every single day. I have one after the program. I have three others. We are talking to you. We want to make a difference in your life, save you money, and get your debt-free date. Give us a call. Marisha Charbonnet is going to be in our third segment. We’re going to be talking about what happened when it comes to interest rates.

We want to make sure you are paying the right amount. We want you to understand that there is an opportunity to have a perfect financial GPS program to get you to your destination in the most effective manner. Find out more. (888) 543-3980. Register for our webinar at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. Go to our website, our show site, YourRealEstateLife.com, or go to our company site United4Loans.com.

Hitting The Bullseye

We’re talking loans. They still exist and are still closing. We are doing some consolidation loans for higher interest rates and then putting them on that perfect financial GPS to eliminate debt much sooner. We’re doing ITIN financing and taxpayer identification information. If you don’t have a Social Security number, you’re in the States legally, and you have an ITIN to be here, we are able to get financing done up to 89% loan-to-value. If that’s you, we’d love to talk with you.

We’re doing many loans on DSCR loans or Debt Service Coverage Ratio loans. These are loans whether you’re a first-time investor buying rental property and then having the rent offsetting the mortgage payment. When that happens, we can get a loan. There is very little documentation because the property is qualifying. Yes, there are some minor items and we’ll talk about that but we’re gaining you that cashflow. We have many individuals taking advantage of this loan and working and gaining additional money monthly. If that’s you, (888) 543-3980.

We are also speaking with many who have equity in their home. They may have a low interest rate in the 2% or even 3%, even in the 4% and they want to protect that current interest rate, even though I told you interest volume is quite high. What we’re looking to do as one of the principles of money is gain a home equity line of credit.

Some of you are saying, “Have you seen interest rates? Those equity lines, you got prime at 8.5%, maybe even going higher, maybe in November with the Fed plus 2%. These are double digits. Why would I do that?” It’s because it’s a simple interest. A 10%, 11%, 12%, or 13%, first of all, is better than most credit cards. Second of all, it’s much better in that first mortgage with interest volume at 60%, 70%, or even 80%.

If you are able to utilize not the whole balance of that equity line but on a month-to-month basis, utilize the simple interest money to pay down much more expensive amortized debt, take the income, replenish, pay down the equity line, every few months, rinse, repeat. Have a perfect financial GPS program that tells you how to do that, when to do it, how much to do it, and something you can afford to do.

Why wouldn’t you eliminate months and even years of interest payments on that amortized loan in favor of attacking interest sooner? That is only one of many principles. You don’t have to be a master. You just have to follow the perfect financial GPS program to save you money. Find out more at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. If you cannot attend on Tuesday at 6:00 PM, you let me know by sending it to Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com.

Say, “I cannot go to Tuesday but I’d like to set up an appointment with you. Please send me the information.” We’re going to do that. We’re going to act on that immediately and get you on the calendar because the calendar fills very fast. I’ve had to put my calendar down to eight days because the calendar was getting so busy and people were not getting appointments. We’re working on that. I’m looking at that. That’s why I did the Tuesday night webinar so we can get people started and then get that taken care of.

We have people moving forward, saving money. Whether you own a home or you don’t, we can help you save money. We took 15.3 years down to 3.4 for an individual who had student loans, car payments, and credit cards but no home mortgage. We had others who had a home mortgage. They’re looking at perhaps buying another property and they want to do that every few years. There’s predictive analysis. There are ways to show what you can do, how, and how long you will have that debt.

We took 3 homes, 18 years, fully paid off, no mortgages, everything done. I want to show you how this works. It’s predictive analysis for Social Security. Should you take, should you not take, or should you wait? What should you do? If you’re looking to buy a vehicle, it talks about age. You take a 72-month loan or a 74-month loan. It shows how it will pay off in 1 year and 2 months. We have actual items that can show this. I can send out examples and videos showing you demonstrations of the opportunity and we can talk more.

I’m excited, as you can tell. I’ve taken my loans down to 7.9 years. For those of you who follow the program, I bought a new home maybe about years ago. I’ve utilized a lot of these principles. I was doing some of those myself. Many of you are thinking, “I can throw some extra money every month. I’ll do it myself. I’m fine.” I thought the same thing. I live in the money space. I took my obligations down to 12.3 years if I was doing it on my own. 7.9 sounds a little bit better. I like that extra four-some-odd years.

If I took my obligations, my mortgage, and the other items and times it by that amount of months, I was leaving a lot of money on the table. It’s a difference between being on the dartboard or hitting the target. You remember back in the old days when you took that folding map out of your glove compartment and unfolded it. Maybe even take it out of the car. You put it on the wall, put the little pin dots in, take your plan, figure out your path, highlight it, do the thing, and then you have this map and are ready to go.

Mind you. You hit the road and get started. One of these routes is about 50 miles. One lane, one highway, no out, in you go. You’re driving. “The bridge is out. I got to go head back, turn around, and go the other way.” Do you know how much time that took because no one told you the bridge was out and you could have had a different plan?

Technology with the GPS and satellite, all that would’ve been avoided but that’s for your vehicle. How about your finances? It’s not the would have, could have, should have. It’s the preparation and understanding of what you need to do before you make the decision. It’s not, “I did it. Should I have?” It’s when people call me, “I did this home loan. Was it a good loan? What am I going to do? I can’t back out of it for them.”

They did that. They closed. I’m going to say, “No, you did terrible. There were other options but what you have is good. Let’s make the most of it and see what we can do to improve.” We want to look forward. We can’t fix what happened but we can always start and then have a better future. That’s what I want to do. I want to take a look at what you have and see what we can do. If you want to send your mortgage statement in for my review, send it to Statement@United4Loans.com.

We want to look forward. We can't fix what happened, but we can always start again and then have a better future. Click To Tweet

I will take a look at it. I’ll let you know what’s going on lending-wise and then we can maybe set up a time to run your numbers. I want to know all your ins, outs, and items. You’re going to have that information and a debt-free date with no obligation. Let’s set up a call and do it. (888) 543-3980. I have a passion for helping you save money, whether it’s doing your purchase or refinance or even evaluating what you have to find out how we can attack early interest.

It’s turning up your frequency by turning down your interest volume. Loans are not alike. People say, “I got 2.125% on my loan and I’m doing good.” You are doing very well but you’re on the dartboard and very close to the target but you’re not optimizing your results. I had met a gentleman who has 2.125%. It’s a real example. I was able to cut 49% of his interest volume. He’s moving forward. He’s going, “That’s incredible.” He’s also looking to buy other property. The predictive analysis was exactly what he was thinking and wanted to have. I’m saving him money and we’re moving forward.

That’s what I’m looking to show what can be done. It’s not smoke and mirrors. You understand money is a little bit different. You have compounding interest. You stack up savings, do compound interest, have a lot of money, and go, “How did that happen?” If you skip every other day, it could be a lot different. I want to show you the frequency matters, attacking interest as to what debts, items at what amount, and timing.

I was talking to a young lady. It was the 28th of the month. I was talking to her and she was so proud. She was in another state and she was making her first mortgage payment. She said she made her first mortgage payment. I didn’t want to rain on her parade but I said, “You made your first mistake.” She goes, “What? I paid the payment.” I go, “It’s the 28th. When’s it due?” “It says the first.” I go, “It’s late by?” “The 15th.” “If you paid it on the 15th, was there any penalty or any problem?” “No.” “You sent your money in about eighteen days early. That’s your money.”

In this market, you can make 3.4%, 4%, or 5% on that money. If she did that every month, that’s equivalent to 6 months or 30 days early. That’s a lot of interest that she’s foregoing. When everyone has an issue or item with a water bill, an electric bill, a cable bill, a phone bill, or whatever it is, that’s your money that could be utilized for another obligation and allow your debt-free date to go down sooner.

I want to optimize these items and get them perfect for you so you can set it, forget it, follow a direction, and move forward. If life changes, as it will, we can enter those items in and I can work with you to set this up beautifully for your financial future. We’ve been seeing money saved. When you see 30 years and 26 years, however the number of years goes down to single digit, it’s incredible.

We have younger families who can then set aside money, freeing up discretionary and extra money. What do you have left over at the end of the month? Some of you are saying, “Not much. It doesn’t take much.” We had an individual who is barely over every single month and we were able to knock years off his debt-free date. Let me show you how it works. It’s a phenomenal opportunity. It’s a perfect financial GPS.

Give us a call at (888) 543-3980. I’m so excited when I talk to individuals and show them what can be done. They had no idea. No one told them. No one did this with them in the past. No one showed them. You have mortgage professionals who could also benefit by utilizing this with their past clients. We are talking to many mortgage professionals. They’re not my competitors. They’re my colleagues. We want to make sure we’re helping you, the consumer, do better.

YREL 432 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: We want to make sure we’re helping you, the consumer, do better.


What The Fed Is Up To These Days

I’m not looking to take your mortgage business away from that loan officer or mortgage loan originator. I’m looking to help enhance your experience. If you know a mortgage loan originator and you want to help them with their clients and yourself, give me a call at (888) 543-3980. We did have the Fed. They did not raise the discount so they stayed where they were but they are focusing on an idea still of one more hike in December 2023. They even said maybe even two fewer cuts in 2024. They’re forecasting the idea of maybe easing back a little bit. The water’s getting a little hot. We’ll see what happens.

YREL 432 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: The water is getting a little hot. We’ll see what happens.


Maybe one more up and maybe less down and maybe keeping it higher for longer. They’ve talked about the soft landing. Maybe it’s less achievable. They’ve also said that maybe they would show that pain that I’ve talked about. They want to see that perhaps happen. We saw the ten-year. It spiked up near that 450 level, not seen since 2007.

We’re watching interest rates at a higher spot. Thirty-year fixed rates for most are over 7%. We’re gaining some a little bit below. We could look at some buy-downs for 1 year or even 2 years. We can see as the Fed may come down, the mortgage market will lead into that space and we may see things coming down a tad but it may be a little while as we head into early 2024.

We’re watching that very carefully but it’s all about making sure you are saving money based on your plan but understanding to have a plan. Going forward, we do not want to fight the Fed. That’s one of the statements we talk about. They’re talking about the cure for higher rates is higher rates. As we raise interest rates, we’re finding that global investors look for yield. They will invest.

We need to get our treasuries. Our demand is a little higher. Some are even selling our treasuries to keep their currency afloat in the right way in comparison to the dollar. There’s a lot of things going on. We’re watching that but we are near the highest levels of sixteen years. Debt is a problem. We surpassed $33 trillion for the first time. It goes up and up.

You had US debt by Fitch downgraded so we’re watching that. We’re watching about the unresolved issues regarding the government’s shutdown. We’re keeping an eye on that but interest rates are near the highest level and even slightly higher very soon. We’re watching how that affects our current clients and future clients.

Interest rates are near highest level and possibly even maybe slightly higher very soon. Click To Tweet

We want to make sure you have the best advice and information to make the best decision that’s right for you and your family but if we can attack what you got, pay it off sooner with the same dollars. We want efficiency. The Fed skipped an interest rate hike in September 2023 but is eyeing towards November 2023. We’re going to keep an eye on that and watch that very carefully as it affects our clients. Going forward, we have a loaded week.

We got high-impact economic reports that could support the Fed’s additional rate hikes. For November 2023, we have second quarter GDP, the Fed’s favorite gauge of inflation. Core Personal Consumption Expenditure Index will be released. We have Core PCE running at about 4.2% year over year, which is double what the Fed wants, which is 2%. We’re going to find out if that momentum is going to start coming or if they’re doing more to get it to go faster and maybe we look to bypass it. That’s a little way ahead. We’re going to look at all these items very carefully.

On Monday, we don’t have anything scheduled but on Tuesday, new home sales. Kay Schiller, consumer confidence. We got one of the Fed governors Bowman speaking about durable goods on Wednesday. We have Thursday jobless claims GDP. Fed Gov. Cook speaks also on Thursday along with Fed Chairman Powell. We’re going to watch that very carefully. On Friday, we got that personal income, personal spending, Core PCE, and all the fun stuff coming out like retail, inventories, and advanced wholesale inventories. We have Chicago’s Business Barometer and so many things coming out. Also, consumer sentiment.

It’s jam-packed. We’re going to watch it very carefully, the gyrations up and down. For those clients who are purchasing or refinancing and looking at the sensitivity of the mortgage market, we want to save you every dime. Once we close, we are evaluating how to eliminate early interest sooner. We’re taking your effective yield lower. Those of you going through a loan process who have closed before in recent times have your loan sheet and a closing statement.

You see what is called the total interest paid. Take that as the first letter. It’s the tip you’re paying the bank. I want to get that number the lowest possible. If I told you you’re paying the amount you borrowed and then even more than what you borrowed in interest, it’s crazy. That’s what you’re doing on an amortized loan and I want to show you how you can do better.

We’ve had many callers calling in, looking at a financial GPS. What is it? Let’s talk about it for a moment before we go to Marisha. We can look at your car or maybe your phone. You want to find out how to get somewhere. It tells you the best route, if there’s traffic, and all these fun little things. How about with your finances? Having that foresight and ability to see that and making sure you’re making the right decision before you step into it is what I’m talking about.

I want you to think about attending a Tuesday night webinar at 6:00 PM at Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. If you can’t show up at 6:00 PM on a Tuesday, that’s fine. Email me. We’ll set up maybe a one-on-one meeting with a good calendar invite. We’ll get that done and I’m going to send you out some additional information to review. I want to get your opinion. (888) 543-3980. We’re going to go to Marisha Charbonnet. She has so much great information when she comes to our program. Marisha, what do you have for us?

Disinheritance And Estate Planning

It’s always fun being on your show. As much as estate planning is about who receives your property, it is as much about who doesn’t receive it. I am referring to disinheritance. Disinheritance can be a rather uncomfortable but very important part of estate planning. The reality is there are no perfect families out there and sometimes relationships break down. While people often perceive those family breakdowns as a source of pain or embarrassment, they are not something you should ignore when preparing a will or trust.

YREL 432 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: Disinheritance can be a rather uncomfortable but very important part of estate planning.


I’ve often seen situations where someone may have had a falling out with a child and as a result, don’t intend to include that child as a beneficiary in their will or trust. It can be tempting to leave the assets to other people without mentioning the excluded child. I get it. It generally doesn’t feel good to leave a child out and no one wants to feel judged or air their dirty laundry with a lawyer.

However, as with most things, passive aggressiveness never works. It is particularly problematic with estate planning since the effective exclusion of certain people in your will or trust needs to be explicit and unambiguous. If you plan to disinherit a child, it’s important to specifically identify that child and make it clear that you knowingly and intentionally exclude that child as a beneficiary.

While there is nothing magical about the word disinheritance and other words could be used to convey your intent, it is not a good idea to simply ignore the child’s existence in a will or trust and leave the assets to others. The reason is that the child might be able to challenge the will or trust and claim that the exclusion was merely a mistake. In that case, the child would have a right to receive what they would’ve received if you had never created the will or trust in the first place.

Importantly, even in situations where a child is not included as a beneficiary for reasons other than a bad relationship, perhaps the child received money from the parents during the parent’s lifetime or the child is very successful and the parents feel that others have a greater need for the inheritance. It is still a good idea to explicitly state that the child is not included, even though the parent may wish to qualify the statement by saying that the exclusion is not due to a lack of love or affection for the child.

In addition to explicitly referencing the exclusion of children, it is also important to reference the exclusion of a spouse because a spouse, like a child, is automatically afforded certain rights and could claim that the failure to name them as a beneficiary was a mistake. They should therefore be entitled to what they would’ve received had the will or trust never existed.

With that said, you do not need to disinherit everyone under the sun that you don’t wish to name as a beneficiary. Disinheritance can be tricky and must be done properly to try and ensure that intentions are carried out. It’s often a good idea to get guidance from an estate planning attorney. If anyone has questions about disinheritance or estate planning in general, I can be reached at (805) 496-4681 or FamilySecurityLawGroup.com.

Disinheritance can be tricky. It must be done properly to ensure that intentions are carried out. Click To Tweet

Thank you so much, Marisha. It’s such valuable information when it comes to your estate planning, what you want to have done, and how you would like it to be handled. The last thing you want to do is fight an issue or controversy after the time. The time is now. You want to get in touch with Marisha at Family Security Law Group. Thank you, Marisha.

We’re here to help, guide you through a process, and provide you with information to allow you to do something better. You do what you do best. We have professionals that do what we do best. We want to be on your team and want to be your teammate. We want to make sure we take care of the items and help you understand so you can make the right decision for you and your family.

The Perfect Financial GPS Program

I know on my side of the fence when it comes to money, I spend your money the way I spend mine, sparingly. I want value for my money and so should you. If you’re paying extra money and interest to your lender, your lender loves you. You just don’t need that love in your life. If you’re renting, more than likely, you’re paying too much.

Maybe you’re paying what needs to be paid but it’s a lot. Maybe we can show you how you can purchase but your landlord loves you and you are making a mortgage payment. You’re just not getting all the benefits. You’re making their payment. Let’s see what we can do. There are financing and programs that are available with 0% down via some FHA programs with some bond-related items, area median income-related items for seconds that can go behind to go very low down payment. It does not take 20% down to buy a home.

You’re saying, “I need mortgage insurance and PMI or MIP.” Yes, but if you look at those numbers, PMI, equity positions, and historical averages, I can show you how having that PMI might be better than waiting to get 20% or maybe not getting there at all. Once you obtain this loan and you look at the debt-to-income ratio that you did to qualify for a new home loan, you have discretionary money at the end of every month.

YREL 432 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: Getting a PMI might actually be better than waiting to get 20% or maybe not getting there at all.


That discretionary money can go to work for you in a very effective manner. I’d like to show you through that perfect financial GPS so we can take your effective yield even lower, make that home more affordable, gain the equity so much sooner, possibly eliminate the PMI, eliminate the mortgage insurance premium, take advantage of a market that is hitting highs on rates to go back down on rates to then take advantage additionally. Not start over the interest volume but work it effectively to take that differential and move it down faster. I want to show you how.

I want to give you the roadmap and blueprint. I want to get you this result. I’d like you to show up on a Tuesday night webinar or set a meeting with me directly. Either way, send an email to Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. On that, say, “I want to join the Tuesday night webinar.” I’ll send you the information. What I’d also like to do is get you a head start, maybe send you out a few different links that you can watch to get a little bit more familiar.

We’ve been doing that with most of our clients coming in on the front who have wanted to find out more about the opportunity. You could watch that on your time with a demonstration as well. We can then also set a calendar appointment where I can have a one-on-one meeting with you and those who make these decisions in your family. We can then look to see what we can do to establish a debt-free date.

Our first meeting is fact-finding. It’s a little about you, a little about me, and what it is you’re looking to achieve. We’re gaining some good information. There are no decisions. It’s a very innocent meeting to get information. In the second meeting, I’m going to give you some homework after the first meeting. If you haven’t watched those links, I’m going to have you watch those links. I want you to get some more information, feel more comfortable, and reinforce what we went over in that first meeting.

I’m also going to get you a spreadsheet. That spreadsheet’s going to give all your ins and outs. Everything you pay from gas, water, electric, waste, grocery bills, anything that you’re spending, including your mortgage, if you have, your equity line, if you have other property, student loans, yes, they are accruing interest, they’re there, and then car payments and other items. I want to know and figure out what your discretionary is at the end of every month. We’ll input these items and come up with your debt-free date. Let’s do it.

Be Debt-Free Sooner

I’m here to help you save money when it comes to your home loan. Many of you are saving quite a bit of money because you got loans a few years ago. You saw 2%, 3%, and even 4%. That’s a lot lower. We are closing purchase loans and those perhaps can be refinanced in the future. We will see and set the table for that. Mind you, we want to make sure you are paying the least amount of interest possible. Not rate but volume. I made this challenge at the beginning of the program but take a look at your current mortgage statement, either online or on paper, depending on how you’re getting it.

You tell me what is the ratio of interest to the overall payment. Some of you say 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, or 80% of that payment is interest. You tell me how much your interest rate is. That’s called interest volume because an amortized loan is loaded up on the front side. It’s loaded up in the interest, especially in those first 5 to 7 years or so. You’re paying mostly interest and then it starts easing back.

By the time it eases back and it’s the end of the loan, you’re paying mostly principal and you chunk it off at the end. Some of you are saying, “I need that deduction.” It only takes you so far. You’re only in a certain tax bracket. You’re not getting 100% of the dollar. You’re getting a portion of that money in totals. If that is the case, I’ll make you extremely happy. We’ll take your current rate and I’ll raise it to 12%. I’ll increase your deductions and we’ll be happy campers. “That doesn’t make sense.” Exactly.

My goal is to get your debt-free date sooner so you have the money to utilize to make more money on that money. Whether you’re buying real estate, adding additional income coming through the front door, or investing that money in the current market, even if you took that difference that eventually we would retire and put it at 1% power compounding interest, it’s going to accumulate very quickly.

We can utilize secondary ways of saving more on that interest by using a home equity line of credit, which is interest-only, not as an interest-only first mortgage. Yes, that can be done but I want to be very careful about that because I don’t want to leave you vulnerable to a bank that may close that equity line based on current market environments or items that may occur. Mother Nature has a weird way of showing up.

We want to use it in conjunction with rinse and repeat. Every few months, rinse and repeat. We will be able to show you through a perfect financial GPS program how we’re able to eliminate chunks of interest and move you down the amortization schedule to attack the principal much sooner. Some of you say, “I could do it on my own.” You’ll get on the dartboard better in not doing it at all but I want to show you the bullseye. Not affecting your life, what you’re doing, or your finances but using the timing effectively. I want to show you how we could eliminate your debt much sooner.

YREL 432 | Interest Rates
Interest Rates: By using timing effectively, we can eliminate your debt much sooner.


We had someone saving $414,000 based on their holdings. They couldn’t believe it. They were in shock. Another one, an older couple, was shaving it down to eight years on their debt. They were so excited. I mentioned the gentleman who was at 2.125%. He thought he was untouchable. We saved him 49% of the interest that he was going to be paying.

These examples are real. I will show them to you. Let’s set up your appointment. I’m using Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. You could either ask for information for our Tuesday night webinar or I can do a one-on-one appointment. If Tuesday at 6:00 PM is not convenient, I can set up a time. I have appointments on days of the weekend and throughout the day. I had six one-hour appointments all back-to-back and how many backs there are. We did that. I will give everything I have to show you how you can do better.

This is what I’ve decided to do with people with lower interest rates and make their lives even better. (888) 543-3980. I am passionate about showing you with no obligation a new debt-free date. The first meeting is informational. We’re going to have a conversation and understand the principles a little bit better. In the second meeting, you’re coming in with your numbers and we’re going to input those together. It doesn’t take me long to do so with you. We’re going to show your new debt-free date and then you can evaluate and see if it’s right for you.

It’s not right for everyone. Many of you don’t want to do something to save you money. I say it very off there but that’s what happens. You’re comfortable doing what you’re doing but, in my impression, put your head in the sand and crawl up in a fetal position. Hopefully, things get better and it goes away. When the wind is hitting you in the face, it’s time to change the direction of your sale. Stop fighting it. Let’s do something better to get a better result. We can’t fix what was but we could fix now and going forward. Let’s get a better path and direction. Let’s do this together.

When the wind is hitting you in the face, it's time to change the direction of your sail. Click To Tweet

This is my passion. This is what I’ve been doing. I have been in the lending space for many years. I’m helping other lenders help their clients. I have realtors who are on board helping their investors and clients achieve more. I have insurance, financial professionals, and CPAs who understand this concept’s principles and have better results for their clients. Why is it not your realtor, lender, CPA, financial or insurance professional talking to you about eliminating your debt sooner and creating wealth?

Is that insurance agent coming to you saying, “Would you like to buy life insurance?” No. It’s utilizing the principle of insurance to become the bank. You’re making an arbitrage a differential. You’re borrowing from yourself to pay back yourself while it’s still earning a return, providing you a future of income while eliminating debt. That’s another principle of this opportunity.

I want to show you how you can be a numbers person without the minutia of living in the space. You can follow a perfect financial GPS as you’re driving in your car. Some of you are saying, “I always miss the churn.” What does it say when you miss the churn? Recalculate and it gets you back on the path. That is what I am talking about doing and having this done with your finances. Let’s have a conversation and see if it’s right for you or if you want no part of it at all. I’m game.

Let’s pick up the phone and have an exercise here. Hand it to the person next to you. They’re not doing anything in the car there. Stop playing the games. Hand the phone. (888) 543-3980. (888) LIFE-980. When you call, that’s going to be me on a voice. That’s not me live. The team’s not answering live. They’re busy with other calls but go ahead and hang up on me. You’re not the first person to do so or leave a message. You have my number on your phone. You call me when you’re stable and in a place where you can talk.

We’re going to talk about setting an appointment and understanding where you are and what you’re looking to accomplish. We’ll navigate through that and find out what is the best path and direction for you to start. Much of it is getting on my calendar, setting up a meeting, confirming that meeting, and then having that meeting with me so we can establish that home base.

I want to get you out of the dugout, walk you up to the plate, get you on base, and knock you home. Only one team finishes on top and I’m looking for you to be that one team with your household. I don’t want you second-guessing your decisions. I want to make sure you finish on top and you have the best decisions possible. That is what we do. One of the first things I will do, what attracted you to respond and make the call? What’s going on with your real estate life and finances?

I generally find out, “I have a car, student loan debts, and kids for college. I have some additional expenses and a mortgage. I’m trying to stay afloat. I got a second job that I’m doing and I’m bringing in this extra income. Generally, I’m breaking even on a monthly basis.” We generally talk about that and find out where we are but I will give you that homework or assignment.

Let’s get all these items down. I want to know the due dates on the monthlies and interest rates. I’d like to know the limits on those cards as well. When we input all these items, we’re giving great and perfect information to lines and lines of code that are making these decisions very easily and quickly. Go back to your high school and college days. You didn’t like solving for 1 variable, let alone 2. God forbid you put in a third variable, you’re going, “Holy cow.”

How about multiple variables and ways to come up with the solutions? This gives you a perfect result, 90 days out on visual, many years out that you can see. You could even put forecasting and what-if scenarios there as well. When you get a bonus, you put that amount in and understand it has more money to work with. It tells you to transfer, do, and move.

As you’re driving your car, not all self-driving here or starting yet, I’m asking you to put your hands on the wheel. You will need to put your hands on the wheel when it comes to your finances. It’s not going to access your funds or accounts. It’s not going to make the payments for you. It’s going to let you know the timing, the best, and how much but you are going to do that ACH, write that check, and handle that payment. You are going to effectively manage your finances as you should be doing now.

When we have individuals out there who are in default on four credit cards and they have room on their equity line and they’re like, “I want to protect my asset,” but they default on their other cards and they’re making late payments and they got bills, fees, exceeding, that’s crazy. Let’s solve the problem, move forward, and make a better future.

Let's move forward and make a better future. Click To Tweet

That may not be you. You do not have to be in trouble to start this program. We have individuals who own multiple doors and hundreds of properties. Over 80 of them are free and clear. That’s a large example but if you want to own 1, 2, or 3 properties and effectively look to manage that cashflow, that money coming in, and effectively have your debt-free date down, I’m here for you.

I’m a mortgage banker and spent many years in the industry. I help you save money when it comes to purchasing and choosing the right option, whether a short-term or 30-year loan. There are even 40-year options. Many people who choose a 40-year option or an interest-only option may abuse that loan for the wrong reasons but it can be an effective loan for you if it’s used properly and you understand its usage, amortization debt, and simple interest calculations.

I can give a slight education but information. When that information is inputted into a perfect financial GPSS program, it’s going to utilize that to your advantage. Let’s take advantage of what’s there. Numbers don’t lie. They’re finite. Let’s take a look at the rules of engagement to your long agreement that you signed, that you understood but maybe not every single line and reading. It may not have done any different for you. (888) 543-3980.

I am looking to eliminate or lower that total interest paid line on your loan disclosure and closing disclosure. It’s the tip that you’re paying above the amount you borrow, which exceeds the amount you borrow and may go up to a total of 50% or even close to 60% over the amount. In essence, it’s well over 100%.

It’s real numbers. You don’t believe me? We’ll look at these together. (888) 543-3980. When you’re paying back money, sure, you need the money. There’s a cost of the money. You thought you were borrowing 2%, 3%, 4%, or even 7%. You’re paying so much more on an amortized loan. I don’t want to rain on your parade. Yes, they’ve been in the industry for many years. It’s a necessary item to obtain property but there’s a necessary way to pay that off more effectively. Let me show you how.

When people come back every 2 or 3 years to refinance, pay off debt, and get back in debt again, it starts the cycle over unless you manage that number properly by paying that difference and staying on your current schedule. That’s one way but then we start taking a look at the other ways to knock off the interest debt.

I’m serious. I’m here for you. I tell people who I’m on the seminar, webinars, and all the Zoom meetings with, “When you come on board, you don’t lose me.” I laugh but for some people, that’s good and for some people, it’s bad. “I’m going to be there behind you and helping you answer questions and provide solutions. Eventually, you’re going to know this even better than me and I’m going to learn from you.”

We’re always learning. When we stop learning, we’re done. I have people all over the United States joining and moving forward with this opportunity and they’re saving tons of interest that they were paying before. I’m learning from them and their backgrounds, what they do, and how they’re doing it. It’s fantastic. It’s a family of individuals looking to turn things around. I’m looking to reach you one household at a time.

We're always learning. When we stop learning, we're done. Click To Tweet

I want to turn this around. Educate in our region or area. As I started the program, from the desert to the sea, to all the Southern California, I want to make a difference and I want you to understand how you can save money, even in a higher interest rate environment, as we are in history. We’re not bad but in recent, it was quite high. I want to show you how you still can succeed and you don’t have to refinance. Sometimes it’s helpful but other times, it’s an unnecessary item.

Let me show you how it can be done. Webinar@AHeadForMoney.com. Let’s register and get you signed up for Tuesday evening. I want to get a seat there for you. I’ll be on the call as well or we can have our one-on-one call at a time of your convenience during the week, the day, the evening, or whatever it is that you are available. It’s been a pleasure being here. We’re going to watch a lot of the economic news. Until next time. What kind of loan do you have?


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